This test is aimed at software developers with a background in React Native.
Please create a fork of this repo and make sure it is public. Click the Fork button in the top right of the repo, as shown in this image.
This challenge will require you to use TypeScript and React Native to build out a couple of screens that display data from an API.
The API we will use for this (because it's free and doesn't require any authentication) is Punk API.
You either use Expo or the React Native CLI, whatever you're most comfortable using, and please use function components/hooks for all of your React components where possible.
Please consider best practices for usability, performance, code quality, and ideally commit often with descriptive commit messages.
The Challenge
This app will have 2 screens:
- A list screen that displays a list of drinks
- A detail screen that displays details about a specific drink
We don't have any strict design for either of the screens, but try to make them look nice.
The list screen should display a list of drinks, including the drink's image, the name of the drink, and a description (limited to one line, with ellipsis if the description is too long).
You should display only 10 drinks from the API.
Optional bonus point: add some kind of user interface to display more drinks.
Optional bonus point: add a loading state while drinks are loading.
Tapping on one of the drinks in this list should take you to the detail screen for this drink.
The detail screen should display the drink's image, name of the drink, alcohol by volume (abv), tagline, full description, and one other piece of data of your choice.
When you are done, commit and push everything to your own repository and send us a link to the resposity via email. If you have problems forking this repo or any issues with getting your submission up on GitHub then please zip up your technical test folder and send it to us via email.