
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Make sure you have NodeJS installed In the root run npm install and yarn install


Android SDK

Create a local.properties in the root/android directory. Add the line: sdk.dir = PATH_TO_ANDROID_SDK

  • I copied/pasted from Android Studio sdk path.

Debug Keystore

I created a debug.keystore file and still got errors. This link has an answer to download the Facebook default file and you can add that to android/app


To build and run, use the command yarn android



In the terminal, navigate to the ios directory. Then run the command pod install. This will install the dependencies in the iOS project.


To build and run, use the command yarn ios


⚠️ Maverick is a Mobile app first. Running Maverick in the web may have some unusual UX/bugs that will need to be addressed later. Simply run yarn web and this should run in Chrome.

Metro Bundler

When making changes in your project you will not need to re-build the app every time. If you already have the app installed on a simulator/device, you can use the command yarn start this will run and instance of Metro Bundler and will not re-build the app on the device. Note: Changes like .env and adding npm modules will require the use of yarn ios and yarn android to build those changes.