
API code for the Airdrop game, a demo game for FOSS4G-NA 2023

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Airdrop API

Welcome to the API for super awesome spatial game Airdrop!

API Documentation

Authentication API

POST /login (logs a user into the app, creating the user profile if it does not already exist)
JSON Request Body
name type data type description
username required string The username to lookup or create
password required string The password to lookup or create
http code content-type response
200 application/json { "token": <JSON Web Token> } (see JWT.io for more info)
401 text/html; charset=utf-8 Login failed

Note that if the password is wrong you will recieve the 401, but if the username is wrong it will create a new user

GET /verify-token (returns the payload of a JWT token if it is valid)
name value
username "Bearer "
http code content-type response
200 application/json JSON User (see models below)

Game API

POST /games/new (create a new game instance, requires ADMIN role)
JSON Request Body
name type data type description
name required string Name of the game to display in the UI
startTime required string - Date.toIsoString() When should the game start generating prize points
endTime required string - Date.toIsoString() When should the game end and a winner be declared
prizeCount required number How many prizes will this game offer over its lifetime
prizeMaxValue required number Initial point value of each prize
prizeDuration required number Duration of prize validity in ms
geom required object - geojson Feature Boundary of the game within which all prizes will be located
http code content-type response
200 application/json JSON Game (see models below)
401 text/html; charset=utf-8 Unauthorized, you did not present a toke with a role of "ADMIN"


These are the data structures you will be seeing in JSON responses from the API


    "sub": integer user id,
    "username": string username,
    "roles": array of strings, either "PLAYER" or "ADMIN",
    "iat": integer timestamp when token was issued,
    "exp": integer timestamp when token expires


    "id": integer game id,
    "joinCode": string 4 character code used to join the game,
    "name": string name,
    "geom": geojson Feature - bounding polygon for the game,
    "bbox": array of number, bounding coordinates for the geom,
    "startTime": string timestamp when game starts,
    "endTime": string timestamp when game ends,
    "prizeCount": integer count of prizes,
    "dropInterval": integer interval between prize drops