Verm is a WORM (write-once, read-many) file store to make it easy to reliably store and replicate files.
- You need to store files on your servers
- You want to replicate them between machines and datacentres, for redundancy
- You need it to be very easy to bring up new replicas in the cluster without complicated resynchronisation procedures.
- You keep business process metadata about the files in your database, but you don't want to bloat your database with the file data itself
- You don't need to change the original files once created, and may even need to ensure that files are not changed or deleted, for auditability
- Simplicity and robustness is a priority; no complicated architectures with many moving parts
- Provides only immutable file storage
- Files are content-addressed based on the SHA-256 of the file data, so storing the same file twice stores only one copy
- Orthogonal to metadata concerns - not a database
- Stores files in local storage for easy ops and backup
- Replicates all files to other Verm cluster members for machine-level RAID
- Simple HTTP interface: simply POST file data to the path you want to store the files under with the appropriate content-type
- Automatically creates directories as required
- Follows standard file-serving conventions for other webservers: MIME types are mapped to filename extensions and gzip encoding to .gz extensions
- Automatically compresses and decompresses as required based on request URLs
- Client access by HTTP GET and POST, easy to use from any language
- Replication by HTTP PUT, easy to transport through datacentre firewalls and proxies
See the install guide.
If you're using Ruby, you can use the Ruby client library ( to get easy API one-liners.
You can use any language's HTTP client library to make POST requests to the path you want to store the file under, for example:
POST /2019/los_angeles/docs
Content-type: image/png
<raw file content>
Verm will then:
- automatically create the
, and2019/los_angeles/docs
subdirectories under the root data directory (which is/var/lib/verm
by default), if they doesn't already exist - hash the file data
- turn the hash into a filename using URL-safe, command-line-safe characters
- return the path in a Location header with a 204 Created response
- immediately start replicating the file to any other Verm servers configured
GET requests are usually served by Verm itself, but because Verm will also choose an appropriate extension for the file, you can also serve files using any regular webserver if you prefer, making it easy to migrate to or from Verm.
As a concession to tools that don't cope well with huge numbers of entries in
single directories, Verm will place files under subdirectories of the requested
path based on the first bits of the file content hash. For example, if Verm
encoded the content hash as TwD1uJUQPX-w5wGVfgJrpiAtMwXd37Zp58YlPOQig8d
a Tw
subdirectory would be created (unless it already exists) and the filename
will be the remaining bits - D1uJUQPX-w5wGVfgJrpiAtMwXd37Zp58YlPOQig8d
. (Verm
uses a base64 alphabet to encode the hash bits has 64 characters, but Verm
carefully assigns the bits to ensure -
is never the leading character in
subdirectory or file names, to ensure admins won't run into any unexpected
behavior if they use file wildcards on the command line.)
Compression support is intended to be transparent to the client. If file data
is posted in gzip-encoded, the file will be stored with a .gz
suffix for
compatibility with other webservers, but the path returned will be without the
suffix. Requests for this URL will therefore serve the file with a gzip
content-encoding and the original content-type, rather than as an untyped gzip
file; if the client declares that it does not support the gzip content-encoding,
Verm will decompress the file for the client. The content hash is taken on the
uncompressed contents, so two different compressions of the same file will have
the same hash, as would uncompressed uploads.
The write replication system is self-healing - if Verm is restarted before the file is replicated, it will still be replicated because Verm resynchronises file lists after each restart, sending any files locally present that are not on other servers.
A read replication system also checks for missing files on other servers, so there's no timing hazard where a file is available on one node and not on others in the cluster.