Create an app that loads buildings and its sensor readings into and Overview Page.
Please read full description before beginning.
Broken down into Required General / Functionality, Bonus, and Allowances
- Must be written in React
- Some styling using CSS
- Git commits as you build w/ clear message
- Prefer REST, however GraphQL is supported
- Overall design is up to the developer
- Attempting atleast some of the bonus items
- Fetch a list of buildings
- Display a table of buildings with their summary data showcased
- As much of the data returned should be used to build the interface
- Option to filter the list of buildings by
state, this should be done in the api call - Columns should be appropriately sortable (or not)
- Clicking a building should take me to a different page where we showcase the individual building in a different form.
(See Grading section for Bonus items outside of functionality)
- Search by
(via API) - Pagination (via API; results per page can be as low as 1 and 2 to prove functionality)
- Building page should load and display a chart (developers choice of charting library) showing the readings for one type of sensor
- Ability to deep link to the building view and load just one buildings data to display.
- Use any reasonable React/JS/node framework to bootstrap and build your app
- Use of a UI Component Library (as long as it does not just do the functional requirements for you)
- Functionality
- Clarity and Organization of Code
- User Interface / Creativity of Design
- Bonus:
- TypeScript
- Styling Thoroughness / Organization
- Code passing a standard linting suite
- Unit Tests
- App Hosted/Deployed
- Mobile Responsive
- High Google Lighthouse Scores
- Web Accessibility Considerations