
Trying to build the perfect system

Primary LanguageEmacs LispApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

❄ NixOS system and Emacs config

In NixOS, I run an impermanent setup with tmpfs as root, flakes, LUKS encryption. Check out this blog post I made if you’re interested.

Folder Structure

├── configs        # see below.
├── hosts          # host specific configuration files.
├── modules        # NixOS modules
├── profiles
│   ├── home       # home-manager profiles
│   └── nixos      # nixos profiles
├── secrets        # nix-sops encrypted secrets.
└── users          # user specific


A sort of catch all for config / non-nix code.

Some are simply configuration files that are symlinked to /.config/ and managed with home manager.

keyboard firmware

Keyboard firmware code managed by Nix and the readme that goes into depth on my key layout and customized Evil / Vim keybindings.


My emacs configuration code. See its readme for more information.


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at your option.