
A framework for front (frob) enders (tenders) everywhere

Primary LanguageCSS

Frob Core

Because you're not hardcore.

P.S. The inline code documentation in this pup is rock solid.


We're not at automatic testing yet, but you can pull this repo down, run $ bundle install && middleman server, and check for any errors at http://localhost:4567.


  1. Copy source/javascripts/frob_core_helpers.js and source/javascripts/frob_core.js to your project.
  2. Apply the structure of source/javascripts/application.js to your project.
  3. Start Frob Core (usually in application.js): ;(function() { FCH.ready.push(FC.init); FCH.init(); })();

Your base file (in this project it's source/javascripts/frob_core.js) must declare var FC = {...}

The subfunctions of FC.init() must be declared without this. This is to get around a this problem with how FC and FCH are called in application.js:

var FC = {
  init: function() {


Everything else, such as FC._ui.init(), can still use this.


Available from FCH.bp. Returns boolean.

Accessor Description
small window width less than or equal to 767
small_up window width greater than or equal to 768
medium_portrait window width between 768 and 960
medium window width between 768 and 1024
large window width greater than 1024
if(FCH.bp.small) {


Available from FCH.dimensions

Accessor Description
ww window width
wh window height

Cached jQuery Objects

Only available if jQuery is included.

Accessor Description
FCH.$body equivalent to $('body')
FCH.$window equivalent to $(window)


Reserved functions on FC keys can be called automagically, avoiding declaring multiple event listeners on the document or window. For example, use the resize function to change the width of .mydiv to match the window's width.

FC._ui = {
  resize: function() {

Hooks can also be added by adding a function to the appropriate FCH hook Arrays.

var sticky = function($el) {
  $el.css('position', 'fixed');
Hook Called on
scroll window scroll
resize window resize
ready DOMContentLoaded
load window onload

Special Note: Using this in a hook function will refer to the parent namespace.

FC._ui = {
  boo: function() {

  resize: function() {
// a scary alert is triggered every time the window is resized

Default Values

Add default values for missing values in functions, similar to Ruby's variable ||= value

function(required_value, missing_value) {
  missing_value = FCH.setDefault(missing_value, 10);

Local Storage

Read, Update, and Destroy localStorage objects.

Function Description
FCH.localGet(key) retrieve value (returns false if key is not defined)
FCH.localSet(key, value) create or update key
FCH.localClear({optional} key) if key is provided, destroy just that key; otherwise destroy all keys


Test for IE versions. Returns boolean. Only use in the most trying of times. Agent strings are unreliable.

Accessor Description
FCH.IE11 true if browser is IE11
FCH.IE10 true if browser is IE10
FCH.IE9 true if browser is IE9
FCH.anyIE true if browser is Internet Explorer


  1. Copy source/stylesheets to your project (usually replacing app/assets/stylesheets)


Variable Description
$em-base font-size (must be in pixels) used for emCalc and remCalc.
$f-sans font stack for sans-serif fonts
$f-serif font stack for serif fonts
$f-script font stack for script fonts
$f-monospace font stack for monospaced fonts
$f-international font fallback stack for multilingual fonts
$c-white vanilla palette for #fff
$c-black vanilla palette for #000

Font-stack variables are designed to be applied after custom font names.

$f-opensans: 'Open Sans', $f-sans;
$f-content: $f-opensans;



Quick shortcut for &:hover { ... } accepts color or block.

@include hover($c-white)

@include hover {
  background: $c-white;


Make z-indexing easy. Create an ordered list of your classes and call it inside your class.

$lightbox: (

.lightbox {
  &-bg {
    @include stack($lightbox); // z-index: 1
  &-content {
    @include stack($lightbox); // z-index: 2

If you want to name your ordered list different from your classes, pass a key as the second argument.

.lightbox {
  &-bg {
    @include stack($lightbox, 'lightbox-content'); // z-index: 2
  &-content {
    @include stack($lightbox, 'lightbox-bg'); // z-index: 1


Put a block of content within a media breakpoint using the list defined in _breakpoints.scss.

.show--mobile {
  display: none;
  @include bp(small) {
    display: block;


Apply a CSS triangle to an element.

Param Accepts Default
$direction top, bottom, left, right top
$color hex $c-black
$size px 30px
$shadow boolean false
.nav-dropdown {
  @include triangle(bottom, $c-white);


Pass a block to apply properties to input placeholder styles. Strongly recommended to be used only at root-level.

@include placeholder {
  color: $c-gray;
  text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 $c-black;


Target specific Internet Explorer versions, and optionally pass in a version number. Only use this mixin as a last resort. Feature detection is strongly preferred.

.animated-element {
  @include ie { ... } // .ie .animated-element
  @include ie(9) { ... } // .ie9 .animated-element


Target touch devices using Modernizr.

.nav {
  @include touch { ... } // .touch .nav


Use a Nicolas Gallagher clearfix. A .clearfix class is available in _utilities.scss

.cf {
  @include clearfix;



Convert px to em. Relies on $em-base in _fine_variables.scss, but this can be overwritten in your own _variables.scss

body {
  font-size: emCalc(16px);


Convert px to rem. Relies on $em-base in _fine_variables.scss, but this can be overwritten in your own _variables.scss

body {
  font-size: remCalc(16px);


Find pair of value or key in map. If value/key cannot be found, returns false

$descriptions: (
  'big' : 'blue',
  'wet' : 'wide'

.whats-the-sea-like {
  &:before {
    background: match($descriptions, 'big'); // 'blue'
    content: match($descriptions, 'wet'); // 'wide'


Invert a number.

.upside-down {
  top: negate(10px);