
A Python library for generating word tree diagrams

Primary LanguagePython


This Python library generates word tree diagrams. Word tree diagrams show how often different phrases occur in a corpus that contain a specific keyword. For example, here's the keyword "dog" in the Amazon Pet Supplies review corpus:


You need to have Graphviz installed on your machine. See the Graphviz website for instructions. Then, you can do:

pip install wordtree

Example usage

import wordtree
documents = ["hello world", "world is my oyster"]
g = wordtree.search_and_draw(corpus = documents, keyword = "world")
g.render() # creates a file world.dv.png

API documentation

This library has two main functions: search, which counts phrase ("N-gram") frequency in a corpus, and draw, which generates a word tree diagram from the N-gram frequencies. search_and_draw naturally combines the two together.


Required arguments:

  • corpus: list of strings to search through
  • keyword: single word that sits at the center of keyword tree

Optional arguments:

  • max_n: maximum size of an N-gram to consider, e.g. max_n = 5 means only show phrases up to 5 words in length
  • tokenize: a function from a string to list of strings, cutting a document into words. By default, just splits on space.


  • ngrams: list of N-grams as tuples
  • frequencies: parallel list of frequency count for each N-gram


Required arguments:

  • keyword: single word that sits at the center of keyword tree
  • ngrams: list of N-grams as tuples, e.g. [("a", "b"), ("b", "c")]
  • frequencies: list of frequency counts, e.g. [1, 3]

Optional arguments:

  • max_per_n: put up to this many N-grams into the final diagram per side per value of N. For example, if max_per_n = 3, then each side of the diagram will have no more than 3 N-grams of length 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • max_font_size and min_font_size: bounds for font sizes in the diagram
  • font_interp: function for interpolation between max and min font sizes given word frequency. Must be a real-valued function from [0, 1] -> [0, 1] where an input of 1 means "highest frequency in corpus" and 0 means "lowest frequency in corpus". Defaults to cube root