
Speaker aims to convert my blog posts in audio files.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Convert a text file in an mp3 audio file. Yeah! I know, it's probably useless for you, but I found the idea pretty fun, and it's enough for me ;) I would like to thank Zach Holman for all his crazy ideas. He gave me inspiration to write this tiny shell script.

See a real use case on my blog: www.williamdurand.fr.


You need the say command which is bundled with Mac OSX, and ffmpeg you can install by running:

brew install --use-clang --HEAD ffmpeg


  ./speaker [-h] [-d <output directory>] <filename>

Use It With Jekyll

The aim of this script is to convert markdown files to mp3 files in a Jekyll environment. To provide an audio access to your readers, you'll have to add an HTML5 <audio> tag. To be compatible with the most part of browsers, you should include html5media:

// _layouts/default.html
<script src="http://api.html5media.info/1.1.5/html5media.min.js"></script>
// _layouts/post.html
<audio src="/mp3/{{ page.id | remove_first:'/' | replace:'/','-' }}.mp3" controls preload></audio>

Then, add the provided pre-commit hook (hooks/pre-commit) to your local repository, and configure Git:

git config hooks.speaker.bin=/path/to/speaker

You're done. Next time you'll commit a _posts/*.markdown file, you'll get a fresh mp3 audio file.


Speaker is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.