Docker Logstash Forwarder

Docker image for Logstash Forwarder, formerly known as lumberjack.


In order to use this image, you MUST create an SSL certificate, and configure Logstash Forwarder using a config.json file. This configuration file MUST be named config.json and MUST be located in /etc/logstash-forwarder.

SSL Certificate

If you want to generate self-signed SSL certificates and use an IP address rather than a DNS record to point to your logstash server(s), then you SHOULD use this lc-tlscert tool:

$ wget
$ go run lc-tlscert.go

Copy the generated selfsigned.{crt,key} files to the logstash-forwarder server and to the logstash server.

Logstash Forwarder Configuration

Below is a basic configuration for Logstash Forwarder:

    "network": {
        "servers": [ "" ],
        "ssl certificate": "/etc/ssl/selfsigned.crt",
        "ssl key": "/etc/ssl/selfsigned.key",
        "ssl ca": "/etc/ssl/selfsigned.crt"
    "files": [
            "paths":  [ "/var/log/nginx/access.log" ],
            "fields": { "type": "nginx-access" }


Let's say your selfsigned.{crt,key} files are located in /path/to/your/ssl/files, and your config.json file is in /path/to/your/config/file.

You can start forwarding nginx logs to your logstash server by running the following command:

$ docker run \
    --volume /path/to/your/ssl/files:/etc/ssl \
    --volume /path/to/your/config/file:/etc/logstash-forwarder \
    --volume /var/log/nginx:/var/log/nginx \

However, this solution is not satisfying as you have to mount a host directory as a volume. A better approach would be to use a data-only container with a /var/log/nginx volume:

$ docker run \
    --volume /path/to/your/ssl/files:/etc/ssl \
    --volume /path/to/your/config/file:/etc/logstash-forwarder \
    --volume-from logs \

Using Docker Compose

  image: willdurand/logstash-forwarder
    - /path/to/your/ssl/files:/etc/ssl
    - /path/to/your/config/file:/etc/logstash-forwarder
    - logs

  image: busybox
    - /var/log/nginx

Extend It

One of the Docker best practices is to avoid mapping a host folder to a container volume. Instead of specifying a volume, it is recommended to use this image as base image and configure your own image.