
List of features I'd love to see come to AWS

AWS Wishlist

List of features I'd love to see come to AWS. For the most part improved security, performance, feature parity with other services and data centres. If you work at AWS and would like to discuss some of these items, you can find me on the AWS Developers Slack Workspace. I'm known for maintaining Middy, the NodeJS AWS Lambda middleware framework.





API Gateway (HTTP)

  • Easy way to only allow access from CloudFront



  • ERC image for x-ray daemon should exist in all region -us-east-1 outage prevented image from pulling, stopping all container from running
  • Fargate tasks without a VPC (or lambda without time restriction)
  • Fargate tasks have 30s cold start time when being run as a task
  • bastion service for connecting to RDS (make it easier than the few work around solutions other there)
  • arm64 support in ca-* (feature parity to us-*)

VPC (for ECS Fargate Tasks)

  • Cheaper / Smaller NAT Gateway option
  • Cheaper VPC Endpoints, combine all into one, or have all work like gateways
  • Allow DNS override apply at the subnet level instead of the VPC level


  • For Upload Signed URLs, allow only one file to complete. Additional attempts before expiry should be rejected.
  • Allow CSP header on HTML files to be set - allow overriding to allow inline styles/scripts with nonce/hashes



  • DAX in ca-*



  • Support event sources (CloudFront, APIG HTTP, cloudwatch, s3, sns, console)
  • Support for x-ray on CloudFront + WAF + lambda@edge
  • Be able to measure during cold start (queue and connect to first request ID?)
  • Be able to see longer time period (24-36h)

Security Hub


  • Step Function Execution event history links back to specific log, not just log group for lambda and ECS
  • X-Ray Traces link back to specific log for lambda and ECS
  • Allow easy filtering for logs using Request Id - Request Id timeline view across all services
  • CloudWatch RUM in ca-central-1


  • CO2 Impact:
    • Have ca-central-1 & ca-west-1 classified as a green data centres
    • More granular details - by service
    • Toggle egress estimate? CloudFront to IP transfer impact


  • IPFS serverless service (Save files to s3, serverless node, serverless http gateway)
  • CloudFront & ACM support for Onion Secret services endpoint for Tor