- 4
[bug] credits show escaped html
#93 opened by Svintooo - 0
- 0
- 0
Feature request: Schema
#95 opened by costacoz - 0
paige/image shortcode does not appear to work
#94 opened by atfurman - 0
How can I get a website like the demo?
#91 opened by WinPoss - 3
About analytics
#90 opened by WinPoss - 5
Feature Request: Improve differentiation between categories and tags in list layout
#88 opened by allocgator - 1
- 1
- 7
- 4
Feature Request: Footer enhancements (credit and license) through the configuration file
#79 opened by allocgator - 2
Feature Request: Tab support for code blocks
#78 opened by allocgator - 4
Feature Request: Add Codeberg Icons
#77 opened by allocgator - 2
Setup for Google Analytics 4
#76 opened by flowerinthenight - 2
Previous and next page have opposite arrows
#75 opened by allocgator - 10
How to modify automatically generated text
#72 opened by emmaehrlich - 6
Setting Favicon
#68 opened by phoebus34 - 2
- 3
Table spacing is cramped
#66 opened by allocgator - 17
Tags not hyphenated consistently
#65 opened by allocgator - 2
- 8
List pages by weight doesn't work
#60 opened by allocgator - 2
Unable to scroll horizontally to the left when characters in code block exceed screen width
#62 opened by allocgator - 5
Feature Request: List Pages by Weight
#50 opened by allocgator - 8
Disable dark mode
#56 opened by 0x0f0f0f - 2
Strange licensing
#53 opened by svetogam - 3
Custom favicon
#54 opened by Matteo-Valerio - 9
shortcodes won't work since update
#57 opened by raumkauz - 2
Nested shortcodes seems to escape HTML
#55 opened by Eising - 16
Feature Request: Edit this page
#47 opened by allocgator - 16
- 1
Function "continue" not defined
#37 opened by FailedMesh - 1
Dart-Sass instead of embedded Dart Sass
#39 opened by Keisn1 - 2
- 6
Gallery Shortcode results in rebuild error
#34 opened by ryvaeus - 3
- 4
- 2
Cannot compile site
#27 opened by maxchristman - 7
- 4
Is it possible to create a drop-down menu?
#25 opened by antoinemeyer5 - 12
"ERROR ... render of "taxonomy" failed ... can't evaluate field Ancestors in type *hugolib.pageState"
#24 opened by kirisakow - 8
Any plan to support photoswipe?
#19 opened by mobilelifeful - 17
Missing menus
#21 opened by jwp23 - 9
- 3
First play as HUGO Module
#23 opened by daeta - 10
got stuck in the install section
#16 opened by mulder1628 - 1
social links are not shown
#17 opened by goern - 11
Need to add custom social icon
#11 opened by justinryanc - 8