
Perl module for Aruba devices

Primary LanguagePerl


A Perl module for Aruba devices in RANCID

This is a proof of concept, tested so far on a very limited number of devices (6000 and 7210 wireless controllers on ArubaOS 6.3 and 6.4; and S1500 and S2500 switches on ArubaOS 7.1 and 7.2) with a very specific configuration (i.e. mine!)

Install aruba.pm into your Perl module directory – in my Scientific Linux install it's at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/rancid/.

There is no need for a separate login script. The included clogin works fine, as long as you remember to disable paging manually at login. Here is suggested content for your /etc/rancid/rancid.types.conf file; note I'm disabling encryption of certain passwords in the output. This may not be desirable for all.

# ArubaOS device
aruba;script;rancid -t aruba
aruba;command;aruba::RunCommand;no paging
aruba;command;aruba::RunCommand;encrypt disable
aruba;command;aruba::ShowVersion;show version
aruba;command;aruba::ShowMasterRedundancy;show master-redundancy
aruba;command;aruba::ShowBoot;show boot
aruba;command;aruba::ShowImageVersion;show image version
aruba;command;aruba::ShowInterfaceTransceivers;show interface transceivers
aruba;command;aruba::ShowPacketCapture;show packet-capture
aruba;command;aruba::ShowInventory;show inventory
aruba;command;aruba::ShowVLAN;show vlan
aruba;command;aruba::WriteTerm;write term