
Coding challenge for Insight Data Science.

Primary LanguageShell

Finding Political Donors


This program will get data from the Federal Election Commission about political donors using the files found here. This information will help give insight as to what zip codes and on which dates the candiates receive their donations. The program will write two files medianvals_by_zip.txt and medianvals_by_date.txt. The file medianvals_by_zip.txt will treat the input data as streaming data; The script will output to the file as the data comes in. It will organize the data by zip code. The file medianvals_by_date.txt will contain the same data but filtered by date, contain unique values and sorted alphabetically by cmte_id and then sorted chronologically.


The script is written in Python 2.7. It begins by getting the necessary fields from the original input file. The data is then put into a dictionary with the keys being cmte_id, zip_code, transaction_dt, transaction_amt, and other_id. The script will ignore lines that have cmte_id, transaction_amt or other_id as blank. The script will then store the parsed data into a list of donation data. This data is then passed to a function that will utilize a nested dictionary in the form of:

dict = {
    donations["cmte_id"] : { 
		donations[type_string] : {
			"total_amt": [],
			"transactions": [] 

This function will be used to create our data for both medianvals_by_zip.txt and medianvals_by_date.txt based on what was passed in for type_string. Additionally, if the type_string passed in was zip_code, it'll write to the medianvals_by_zip.txt immediately. After the end of parsing, the function will check to see if the type_string was transaction_dt. In the case that it is, it'll go through the data obtained from the function, filter and sort it, then write the results to medianvals_by_date.txt. Once both output files are written to, the files are closed.


The script runs simply through ./run.sh found in the root directory. Additionally, if you wish to run it without the use of the script, you may run the command

python ./src/data_parse.py <input.txt> <output1.txt> <output2.txt>

You may also run ./generate_all_files.sh in order to automatically run the script for all included test files in the insight_testsuite folder.


The script will pass the provided test files in insight_testsuite. This can be run by the following commands:

cd insight_testsuite
chmod 500 ./run_tests.sh

The main program itself will run via ./run.sh. It will test the input file found in the base directory and also output to the base directory. The test files include various ranges of lines of 50,000 from the FEC 2013-2014 , 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 individual contributions files.


I wasn't quite sure what scalable meant in the sense of data engineering. I designed my script to be quite modular and tried to minimize redundant code by turning the redundancies into functions that can be called many times instead. I also took into consideration that the team may want to reuse the code behind finding medianvals_by_zip for later and it should be easy to call this function as long as it is given the correct information.

The only unit I really test is the transaction_amt as that's the only thing that really needs to be tested. The rest of the data is treated as strings so any sort of input would just be a string rather than a number. transaction_amt is tested first, if it's blank then we just skip it before we ever convert it to an integer. Since everything else can be handled perfectly fine as a string, the script should hold up perfectly.