
Smooth scrolling to an element via selector or node reference

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Smooth scrolls to element of the specified selector or element reference with optional offset, scroll-positon, easing, and duration. Takes into account document height for elements low on the page.


scrollToElement(selector, <options>)

Valid options:
offset : number

Add an additional offset to the final position. if > 0 then page is moved to the bottom otherwise the page is moved to the top.

align : string

Alignment of the element in the resulting viewport. Can be one of 'top', 'middle' or 'bottom'. Defaulting to 'top'.

ease : string

Easing function defaulting to "out-circ" (view ease for more)

duration : number

Animation duration defaulting to 1000

Callback support

scrollToElement emits an end event when the scroll animation is complete, and can be optionally consumed to perform a callback.


var scrollToElement = require('scroll-to-element');


// with options
scrollToElement('.className', {
	offset: 0,
	ease: 'out-bounce',
	duration: 1500
}).on('end', () => {
	console.log('Done scrolling!');

// or if you already have a reference to the element
var elem = document.querySelector('.className');
scrollToElement(elem, {
	offset: 0,
	ease: 'out-bounce',
	duration: 1500