ReactSmartContext is a lightweight library that helps you use React Context efficiently and with less boilerplate code. Pass in an object of the initialState
and any methods you want and you'll receive an object of a Provider
component, Consumer
component, and withConsumer
HOC. See below for details.
For more information on why this is important, see this article by Ryan Florence.
const ColorContext = React.createContext();
class ProviderWrapper extends React.Component {
state = {
color: 'orange',
setColor: (color) => {
this.setState({ color });
render() {
return (
<ColorContext.Provider value={this.state}>{this.props.children}</ColorContext.Provider>
const withConsumer = (WrappedComponent, providerName = 'provider') => (props) => (
{(store) => <WrappedComponent {...{ [providerName]: store }} {...props} />}
export { ColorContext.Provider as Provider, ColorContext.Consumer as Consumer, withConsumer };
const { Provider, Consumer, withConsumer } = createSmartReactContext({
initialState: { color: 'orange' },
setColor: (color) => ({ color }),
export { Provider, Consumer, withConsumer };
A more detailed example:
const { Provider, Consumer, withConsumer } = createReactSmartContext({
initialState: { color: 'orange' },
// shorthand
setColor: (color) => ({ color }),
// shorthand with previous state
setColorWithPreviousState: (color) => (prevState) => ({ color, previousColor: prevState.color }),
// setState using asynchronous data (notice that it's NOT an arrow function)
setColorAsynchronous() {
this.setState({ loading: true })
getColorFromServer().then(color => {
this.setState({ color, loading: false })
// set color once it's saved in database
setColorOnceSaved(color) {
this.setState({ loading: true })
updateColorInDatabase(color).then(color => {
this.setState({ color });
// set color in database optimistically
setColorOptimistically(color) {
const previousColor = this.state.color;
this.setState({ color }); // set it immediately
updateColorInDatabase(color).catch(er => { // rollback on fail
this.setState({ color: previousColor });
// you can use methods in other methods
setColorViaOtherMethod(color) {
this.setColor(color); // or this.state.setColor(color);
// in use
{(context) => {
<button onClick={() => context.setColor('red')}>set red</button>
<button onClick={context.setColorAsynchronous}>fetch color from server</button>