
Companion library for Adafruit_GFX to load images from SPIFFS partition; tested with Arduino core for the ESP32.

Requires Adafruit_GFX library and one of the SPI color graphic display libraries, e.g. Adafruit_ILI9341.



  • Put BMP images in "data" subfolder of your project's main folder

  • Upload images via ESP32 filesystem uploader

  • Include the required libraries in your sketch:
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_ST7735.h> // use the correct library for your display
#include <SPIFFS_ImageReader.h>
  • Create an instance of SPIFFS_ImageReader
SPIFFS_ImageReader reader;
  • Initialize SPIFFS
  • Display the image
reader.drawBMP("/minion.bmp", tft, 0, 0);

Available methods

  • drawBMP, draws a BMP image starting at x,y
ImageReturnCode drawBMP(char *filename, Adafruit_SPITFT &tft, int16_t x, int16_t y);
  • loadBMP, loads a BMP image from SPIFFS in RAM (does not draw it)
ImageReturnCode loadBMP(char *filename, SPIFFS_Image &img);
  • bmpDimensions, returns image's width and height without loading it in RAM
ImageReturnCode bmpDimensions(char *filename, int32_t *w, int32_t *h);
  • printStatus, prints a friendly message of a given return code
void printStatus(ImageReturnCode stat, Stream &stream = Serial);