
code dump of https://atl-vote-helper-bot.glitch.me/

Primary LanguageHTML



--- Rest of starter kit boilerplate below ---

Botkit Discord Starter App

Remix on Glitch

Starter Botkit Discord is a Discord bot with an interactive setup and coding guide. Click "Show" to start following the guide. We recommend following the guide before you go through the code here.

The Install guide connects your Glitch app to a Discord app. It also teaches some important basic security guide. The Setup guide shows you how to add it to a Discord Server, keep it up and running, and add new functionality.

It uses

  • Botkit: a handy bot building framework
  • Discord.js: a node module for connecting to the Discord API
  • Botkit Discord: A connector that allows you to use Bokit and Discord.js
  • Uptime Robot: A monitoring service that helps keep your bot running 24/7

The Code


This is where you can add images, sound files, and other media.


This is the interactive code for the setup guide.


This is the interactive code for the install guide.


This is the styling for the install and setup guides


This is an Botkit skill for your bot allowing it to respond to certain words it "hears" on the server.


This is the basic webpage for the setup guide


This is the basic webpage for the install guide


This is a file for storing secure info like API keys


Git is a "version control" system, which is a fancy way of saying it backs up a record of all your code. This file tells git not to back up certain files. For example .env we don't want it backing up because it contains secure info.


This is the base code initializing the bot by giving it to the Discord Api key and telling it where the skills files are


This contains the code that makes the guides accessible and interactive


This is a file that contains info about your project, like what node modules it should install


This is this file! It's full of helpful info.


This contains the code that connects all the different pieces of the bot together so it can be started by package.json

Get Started

Remix this app and click show! The install guide will walk you all the steps needed.

I finished the install and setup guide!

Congrads! I bet you're excited to get started with customizing your bot

  • Head to skills/hears.js to learn how a Botkit skill works and how to customize it
  • Check out our Discord collection for some examples – feel free to copy the code into your own bot or remix them