
Primary LanguagePHP

Shorturl User Stories

  • As a customer I want to be able to submit a link and receive a shortened url back
  • As a user I want to be redirected to the original url after entering the shortened url
  • As a customer I want to be able to create an account using my e-mail address and a password
  • As a customer I want to be able to login to the system
  • As a customer I want to see all shortened urls I create while logged in
  • As a customer I want to be able to delete urls

Bonus stories

  • As a customer I want to see the raw number of times the url is requested
  • As a customer I want to see the unique number (on IP basis) of times the url is requested
  • As a customer I want, for evil purposes, to be able to enter an account wide url where 10% of all requests are redirected
  • As a customer I want to be able to specify a custom shortened url (with availability check)