
Implementation of the Matrix Factorization Recommender System from the Netflix Paper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ML Matrix Factorization recommender

Implementation of the winning recommender system from the Netflix competition. Uses matrix decomposition to derive a P and Q matrix which can be used to make predictions.
Uses gradient descent to arrive at the solution.

How to Use.

Predict using the ProductRecommender Class.
Can be used in two ways:

  1. First: To recommend using only a users x product matrix along with a k value for # of features to discover.
    #import predictor
    from recommender.matrix_factor_model import ProductRecommender
    # fake data. (2 users, three products)
    user_1 = [1, 2, 3]
    user_2 = [0, 2, 3]
    data = [user_1, user_2]
    # train model
    modelA = ProductRecommender()
    # predict for user 2 
    # prints array([ 0.9053102 ,  2.02257811,  2.97001565])
  1. Second: To recommend when you want to provide a list of features for movies and only learn P (user -> feature strength).
    #import predictor
    from recommender.matrix_factor_model import ProductRecommender
    # fake data. (2 users, three products)
    user_1 = [1, 2, 3]
    user_2 = [0, 2, 3]
    data = [user_1, user_2]
    # product features (year made, height)
    product_1 = [2014, 74]
    product_2 = [2016, 89]
    Q = [product_1, product_2]
    # train model passing in Q
    modelB = ProductRecommender()
    modelB.fit(data, Q)
    # predict for user 2 
    # prints array([ 0.9053102 ,  2.02257811,  2.97001565])


parameter default value description
user_x_product Must provide User x product Matrix
product_x_features Optional (null) Products_x_features matrix. Sets latent_features_guess to number of features here.
latent_features_guess 2 Features we want to learn
learning_rate 0.0002 Size of learning steps
steps 5000 Max number of steps until convergence
regularization_penalty 0.02 Penalty for over/under fitting
convergeance_threshold 0.001 Error amount to terminate (we solved the problem). Otherwise uses steps.




William Falcon