
Primer projecto

Primary LanguageHTML


This project focuses in embeding images and videos and tries to mimic an old youtube page Youtube, as proposed by The Odin Project. This is part of the Microverse curriculum.


1 - Create the github repository.

2 - Create a branch to work on (never code in the master branch).

3 - Draw the containers and plan the layout on top of the printscreens.

4 - Write the HTML structure of the page.

5 - Style the page from top to bottom using CSS, creating sections corresponding to the main elements of the page and respecting the order in which the labels are presented in HTML.

6 - Save your progress constantly on github. This ensures plenty of returning points in case they are needed.

7 - After finishing the project, send the HTML and CSS files to an online file validators.

Techniques and programs used

  • Github for saving the project.
  • VSCode to edit the code.
  • W3C Markup Validation Service to check the HTML file for errors.
  • W3C CSS Validation Service to check the CSS file for errors.
  • Stickler CI to ensure a standard on code style and as additional check for errors.
  • Photoshop to sketch the containers of the page and the heatmap.
  • Use of flex, CSS grid and positioning to organize the containers.


Fernando del Valle