Checkpoint2 in JS311

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • yarn install, yarn start
  • Don’t use this readme to figure out what code to type
  • Use all other projects we have done as code examples
  • Pick a real life thing to use as a model. Vehicle, Product, Movie …etc

Weather Forecast

  • Implement 5 properties for this model. Current Location, Temperature, and 5 Day Forecast with Day of the Week, Weather Condition, High Temp, and Low Temp


  • Client code goes in client/src


  • Create a function component that list out a collection of your models (ListOfUsers)
    • Use prop types to define what props the component needs
    • It should probably need a prop named after the plural of your model, and it should probably be an array
    • Probably want to map over this array and create some divs or li’s showing 3 of the properties of the item
    • Create a Link on each item so you can navigate to the detail page
    • Create a button on each item so you can delete the item
  • Create a class component that makes a new model (redux fetch practice)
    • Create a form and a button
    • Put a label and an input for each property your model has
    • Bonus - use a drop down if there are a limited number of values for a property
    • Register onChange for each input and use setState to store the information typed in
    • Register onSubmit for the form.
    • onSubmit call an action called createThing(change it to make sense for your model)
  • Create a function component that shows details of one thing (UserDetail)
    • Use a prop that has the array of your models
    • Use a parameter from the route path /:id to find the model to show
    • Use whatever html you want to show all of the properties of your thing
  • App.js
    • componentDidMount, call loadThings

React Router

  • Import necessary components from react-router-dom into App.js
  • Make sure to wrap everything in BrowserRouter
  • Create a route to show the list container
  • Create a route to show the create container
  • Create a route to show the detail container. Make sure this route has a variable in it
  • Make sure to wrap all routes in Switch
  • Create links to the list and create routes, put them anywhere in App.js outside of the Switch.


* The only state you need is an array of your models
    * state.js
* Create actions for loading your models and models loaded
    * loadThings() - do a fetch get to “/things”
    * thingsLoaded(things) - THINGS_LOADED
* Create an action for saving a new model
    * createThing(thing) - do a fetch post to “/things”
    * when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings
* Create an action for deleting an item
    * deleteThing(id) - do a fetch delete to “/things/” + id
    * when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings
* Create reducer for the state
    * care about the action THINGS_LOADED
* Create containers for all of you components
    * mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps
    * The list component container should mapStateToProps for the array of things
    * The list component container should mapDispatchToProps for the deleteThing action
    * The new thing component container should mapDispatchToProps for the saveThingAction
    * AppContainer should mapDispatchToProps for loadThings.

Server - use advanced-express-practice as an example

  • The code for this goes in /src
  • Use express to create a server listening on port 3001
  • Use mongoose to connect to a MongoDB database called “checkpoint2”
  • Create a Model for your thing
  • Create a Route and Controller for your thing
  • In the Route, create routes for getting all things, getting one thing by id, deleting one thing, updating one thing, and creating one thing
  • In the Controller, create functions for list,show,create,update,remove


  • When I yarn start, the web page loads with no errors - 10pts
  • I can navigate to the list and create screen from links - 10pts
  • I can enter information into the create screen and click save. If I go back to the list screen, that new information is there. - 20pts
  • If I go to the list screen it will show all current existing information - 20pts
  • The list screen has a view link for each item. If I click that link the detail screen appears. The details of the item are shown. - 20pts
  • If I click the delete button on the list, the item I clicked will be removed from the list - 20pts

Extra Credit

  • Edit Component
    • Create a component to edit your things. It will be almost the same as the create component.
    • Use a prop that has the array of your models
    • Use a parameter from the route path /:id to find the model to show
    • Populate the properties of the model into the inputs
    • onSubmit populate the information from state back into the model, call a prop function called updateThing(thing)
  • Create a container for the edit component
    • mapsStateToProps for the array of models
    • mapDispatchToProps for an action updateThing
  • Create an action updateThing(thing)
    • do a fetch put to "/things/" + thing._id
    • when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings
  • In App.js, add a route to the edit container with a variable /:id
  • In the list components,add a Link for the edit route.


  • Create the edit component by reusing the create component