
Introduction to Mongo for the ACA Advanced class

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MongoDB Introduction


If you do not have mongo installed on your machine, do it now: (Install the community edition) https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/

When ready, open a separate terminal window and run mongod We will leave that connection open the entire time we are working on our application

As always, run npm i & npm start


Look around the codebase for this project. You should notice a few things:

  1. An express folder with routes and controllers
  2. A mongo folder with models and schemas
  3. The app runs on localhost:4001

Get familiar with these, specifially the mongo schema and model.. because we will be adding more later

*Note: All routes with use either the browser, or postman

Users CRUD

We are going to walk through the basic CRUD commands for a collection of users. All code manipulation will occur in either the controllers file or the routes file and sometimes you will need to update both. Make sure to check, even if the instructions don't specify.

Part 1 - POST (Create)

  1. In the UsersController (express/controllers/users.js), fill out the createDefault function so that it inserts the default user into the database

  2. Make a POST request to /users/default. Did it do what we expected? How do we know?

  • Skip down to the section titled Viewing your data
  • Is there any data?
  1. Make a POST request to /users and include a body with a name and age. Modify the appropriate functions in routes.js and controllers.js to insert this user into the database

  2. Repeat step 3, three more times with unique users

Part 2 - GET (Read)

  1. Make a GET request to the /users route. What do you see?
  • Hint: It should be all the users
  1. Update the getOne function in the controller to find ONLY ONE user by it's name

  2. Make a GET request to /users/:name replacing the ":name" variable with an actual name of one of your users

  • What do you get?
  1. Now repeat step 3 with the name maxamillion, which hopefully doesn't exist in your database
  • What did you get this time? No user found
  • Did you notice the status code? 404 Not Found
  • How did we handle that? Find it in the code line 16 send(err.message)

Part 3 - PUT (Update)

  1. Modify the code in the updateUser function in the controller to update ONLY ONE user by it's name. Update the user with the body of the request you are passing in.

  2. Run the GET request for that user (Part 2, Step 3) to verify the user has been updated

Part 4 - DELETE (Delete)

  1. Modify the code in the deleteUser function in the controller to delete ONLY ONE user by it's name.

  2. Run the GET request for that user (Part 2, Step 3) to verify the user has been deleted

Viewing your data

After we perform some operations, we may want to verify that the data is in our database as we intended. To interact with our local database we need to do a few things:

  1. Open a new terminal and run the mongo command anywhere. You should be connected to your database
  2. Type show dbs, you should see a couple
  3. We want to access the admin database so type use admin
  4. Now type show collections. This shows us all the tables (called "collections") that our data lives in. Let's look at users
  5. Type db.users.find() to see what's in the users collection

Deleting your data

  1. Run db.users.deleteMany({}) replacing the word "users" with the appropriate collection name