
Practice making a redux store, reducers and containers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


When you run npm start the web page that comes up may appear familiar. A dashboard is a common type of user interface used to show a variety of information that is important in making decisions. It is usually read only which is perfect for practicing redux reducers. The data is currently being passed to components through props. Change the code to implement redux and remove any passing of props. What we are trying to accomplish with this project is only valuable to the programmer. The end user will see no change in the interface. If done correctly, the web page should look the same, but no props are passed from any component to any other component.


fork, clone, npm install, npm start


  • Run npm start and notice how the app works, it should work the same way when we are done
  • Notice the data in the tasks panel and transactions panel
  • Take note of any other data that are currently being received as props


  • Create a new folder called reducers under the src folder (src/reducers)
  • Create a file in this folder called index.js
  • Create a reducer function and export it as default
    • the function should take two arguments, state & action
    • at this point, the function should simply return a single line
    • return state

Create the store

  • Create a store.js file inside the src folder (src/store.js)
  • Import { createStore } from redux
  • Import state from state.js
  • Import reducers from reducers/index
  • Create the store and export it

Provide store to components

  • In src/index.js
  • Import { Provider } from react-redux
  • Import store from store.js
  • Use Provider component to wrap App
  • Give Provider a prop “store” and the value of the store

Make the following Components into Containers (see below, "create containers")

  • Tickets (use as example)
  • TransactionPanel
  • TopNav
  • TasksPanel
  • Comments
  • Orders
  • Tasks

Create Containers

  • In each Container:
  • Import { connect } from react-redux
  • Create a function called mapStateToProps that takes parameter state
  • Return an object. Decide what prop the component needs and this will be a key on the object
    • To decide which props the component needs, search the file for props
  • Decide what data from state the component needs and that will be the value on the object
    • Search the src/state.js file for the prop you just found
  • Use the connect function and mapStateToProps to turn the component into a container
  • Export the container
    • export default connect(mapStateToProps)(<COMPONENT-NAME>)

Think - Why do the other components not care about the store such that we don't need to make them Containers?


  • In App.js remove the props parameter and all instances of passing props. Additionally, remove the App.propTypes object.
  • In index.js remove all instances of state and passing props to App