
An express app that handles downloading interactions (chat and subscriptions) on a channel's chat feed and saving them in MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

twitch-chat-collector (AKA StreamPanel)

An express app that handles downloading interactions (chat and subscriptions) on a channel's chat feed and saving them in MongoDB

Getting Started

Run npm install and npm start to start the express server


Pretty much everything interesting is handled in the chatAPI file. In it, the service connects to all channels and any time a chat event occurs, it creates an interaction.


  • Chanel Controller: Hanldes creation of channels. Once saved to the DB, a channel will be connected to daily to collect all the chat interactions and stats.
  • Interaction controller: An interaction is basically a message in the Twitch Chat
  • User Contoller: Used to create users. User's are tracked so a chanel can see how long a specific viewer watches their channel, and how much they interact with it.