
Sails.js hook that provides a Vue.js frontend using webpack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sails.js hook that provides a Vue.js frontend using webpack.


npm install sails-hook-vuewebpack --save

Getting started

You have to create your Sails project using the --no-frontend option or disable the grunt hook in your .sailsrc

  "hooks": {
    "grunt": false

Configure babel by copying the following lines in the .babelrc file at the root of your project's folder

  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-2"],
  "plugins": ["transform-runtime"],
  "comments": false

Create a src folder where you'll place your main.js and *.vue source files, the index file index.html and your frontend assets directory assets.

Refer to the Vue.js documentation for the content of these files.

How it works

Upon initialization, the hook creates a fresh copy of src/assets in .tmp/public/assets, then compiles src/main.js (and its dependencies) into .tmp/public/js/build/bundle.js and finally links that bundle in .tmp/public/index.html by replacing the <!-- #scripts --> / <!-- #end --> tags from src/index.html with the proper markup to include the compiled script.

When lifted, Sails will serve the content of .tmp/public on the standard port, which corresponds to your frontend index file.

In development mode, the hook serves a dynamic copy of the bundle using webpack-dev-server on port 3000. This provides Hot Module Replacement (HMR) functionality, i.e. changes in source files are reflected automatically in the browser without the need to refresh the page.

In production mode, the bundle is served from the compiled static file .tmp/public/js/build/bundle.js.