
Miner User Interface @ AutoHotKey

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

KrSys Miner User Interface @ autohotkey

== How To Work ==

Miner --> Kragent -->  Gateway --> Pool --> BlockChain
                         |          |           |
                         {Mail System} 
  1. start kragent with argument -miner %WALLET% , open a connect to gateway and service at tcp port 41000
  2. start miner use follow parameter:
    • pool url : stratum+tcp://
    • username : your wallet address
    • password : algo name, eg . rx , eth

== Files ==

  1. KrSysMiner.ahk is miner front UI that write by ahk , you should compile it by you self.
  2. env/ is a dir contain kragent.exe and some text file.
    • env/kragent.exe is a gateway between websocket protocol and socket protocol.
    • env/config.bat this file will overwrite by KrSysMiner.ahk contain some runtime info
    • env/KrsysMiner.ini save your wallet address
  3. rx0/ is a dir of miner algo.
    • rx0/minestart.bat when you click "start" button will run this file.
    • rx0/minestart.bat when you click "stop" button will run this file.
    • rx0/xmr-stak/progstart.bat this file call by rx0/minestart.bat
    • rx0/xmr-stak/progstop.bat this file call by rx0/minestop.bat