
Forescout Python WebAPI / DEX APIs Wrapper

Primary LanguagePython

pyFS Module

Simple Wrapper for Forescout WebAPIs/DEX Module

I've Dockerized this module to simplify deployment - you just need a host with docker which has reachability to your Forescout CounterACT running the WebAPIs / DEX Module. Ensure you have allowed the IP fo the host running docker to access both WebAPIs / DEX Modules. You can customize the lists name in the Notebook later to match your lists configured in CounterACT.

An automated Build of this container can be pulled directly from dockerhub (skipping steps 1-3):

$ docker pull hkarhani/pyfs 

$ docker run -d --name pyfs -p 8899:8888 hkarhani/pyfs

1. Initialization on the Docker host

Pull the code from GitHub via git clone command:

git clone https://github.com/hkarhani/pyfs.git

2. Create your own Docker container

Change directory to pyfs and Build your local container.

cd pyfs 

docker build -t pyfscontainer .

and then verify if the image exist in docker images:

$ docker images

REPOSITORY                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
pyfscontainer                 latest              d8cbfda2879c        45 seconds ago      344MB

3. Run the Docker container

Run container and choose the port to expose Jupyter Notebook on (in the following example - the host will be exposing port 8899) while the internal port exposed by the container is 8888.

$ docker run -d --name pyfs -p 8899:8888 pyfscontainer 


Verify that the container is running in background using docker ps command:

$ docker ps 

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
a1530186072b        pyfscontainer       "/bin/sh -c '/bin/sh…"   3 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds>8888/tcp              pyfs

4. Access Jupyter Notebook

Open your Browser and browse to the Host IP with port 8899



5. Edit fsconfig.yml file

Before loading the Sample pyFS-Lists Notebook - ensure you edit the fsconfig.yml file in Jupyter Notebook.

Edit fsconfig.yml YALM file to match your CounterACT IP / username / Pass for both WebAPIs & DEX:

counterActIP: 	# Forescout EM / CT IP
Web-API:			# WebAPI Settings 
    User: lab 			# Username of WebAPI 
    Password: strongpass 	# Password of WebAPI 
DEX-Web-Serivces: 		# DEX Web Services Settings 
    User: lab@lab 		# User of DEX Account in format: <name>@<username> 
    Password: strongpass 	# Password of DEX Account 

6. Load your pyFS-Lists notebook and Enjoy!

Via NoteBook Web interface click on pyFS-Lists.ipynb notebook to begin executing the Cells (shift-Enter).

You can edit the lists names as created in CounterACT (please refer to each section comments) in each cell before executing it.

7. Stopping & Removing the Container & Image

Stop the Docker Container:

$ docker stop pyfs


Remove the Docker Container:

$ docker rm pyfs 


Remove the created Docker Container:

$ docker rmi pyfscontainer 

Untagged: pyfscontainer:latest
Deleted: sha256:d8cbfda2879c6031847950d321ba2a4d4389c79b1a50b2895a719c509e66ffe8
Deleted: sha256:c3713797120b7a1340b5d7f4bbb2d55575546a84e77398e2de224c3d721cf0b0
Deleted: sha256:0d7dd2b0d2d781cd74b15ef14afb6f6eacee1c545fd10cc8a4b0316845518d9d
Deleted: sha256:78db07ebdad90d37b53b0c878c34a3f86386eec68adbdec06c43f732997cb5b0

No Worries - Whatever credentials you configured will be removed with the container.