
Primary LanguagePython


This Python module is a collection of various pieces of codes to read and communicate with uBlox devices. It may or may not work. The code itself is a bit of a Frankenstein and there's no documentation. Good luck!


  1. Python 3
  2. uBlox device properly connected
  3. Other stuff that's contained in setup.py

Of note, pybayes is a Python2 package ported automatically to Python3. It may not work.


You can use pip to install this package by referencing this repo.

# Looks like: pip install git+<<myrepo.git>>
pip install git+https://github.com/williamflynt/pyUblox.git

Test the device

On OSX/Linux you can test it like this:

$ source venv/bin/activate
# Note that you need to find the correct port/device where the uBlox device is connected
$ python ublox_capture.py --port=/dev/cu.usbmodem144141 --dot

If connected and able to read you should get a bunch of dots on your screen. You could also experiment with the '--show' to get more verbose output for debuging / testing purposes.