
ImageJ with 'Annotation ROI 3D' for 32 bit Windows

Primary LanguageJava

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<title>ImageJ 1.47</title>
<h3>ImageJ 1.47</h3>
This is the full release of ImageJ 1.47. Use the <i>Help&gt;Update ImageJ</i> command
to upgrade to the latest version (e.g., 1.48e).
Documentation (including the 188 page User Guide), Java source code, plugins, macros and
scripts are available on the ImageJ website at
<a href="http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/">imagej.nih.gov/ij/</a>.

<h4>Contents of ImageJ folder:</h4>
		<dd>This JAR (Java Archive) file is the platform-independent core of ImageJ. It is the
		only file changed when you upgrade using the <i>Help&gt;Update ImageJ</i>
		<dd>This is the ImageJ launcher for Windows.
		<dd>This folder contains example macros. The StartupMacros.txt file in this 
		folder contains macros and macro tools that are automatically installed
		when ImageJ launches. To run a macro, drag and drop it on the ImageJ
		window and run it by pressing ctrl-r (<i>Macros>Run Macro</i>).
		<dd>This folder contains a small sample of the hundreds of plugins
		available for ImageJ. The plugins in this folder are installed in the 
		<i>Plugins</i> menu when ImageJ starts.
		<dd>This folder contains LUTs (LookUp Tables) that are installed at startup in the
		<i>Image&gt;Lookup Tables</i> menu. Use the <i>Image&gt;Color&gt;Display LUTs</i>
		command to view all the LUTs in this menu.

