
:books: Web development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js (w/ Express), MongoDB, Mocha (w/ Blanket) + StarUML

SENG 299: Software Architecture & Design

Lab exercises from the class SENG 299: Software Architecture & Design (Summer 2016) at the University of Victoria.


This class was taken as an elective during the Summer 2016 semester. SENG 299 is a mandatory course for the Software Engineering program (optional for Computer Science). I was highly interested in these topics and had the opportunity to learn a vast amount about web development and design patterns. Initially, I had zero web development experience before this. If you look inside the zip file, you will see a detailed description of the application functionality for each lab. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I recommend other UVic students in the SENG/CSC program(s) to enroll in this course.

Final class grade: 93%