
Typescript and NestJS API that works with a postgresql relational DB and does CRUD operations with alunos (students) and enderecos (addresses).

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Lemobs Test API

GitHub Repo-size Last-commit

This application was build during a test applied by lemobs, that had as goal to build a REST API with NestJS and PostgreSQL DB. Also, the application docs where made using the swagger library, and can be acessed using the 'api' route.

How to use

First download the application code via git clone:

$ git clone https://github.com/williamguilhermesouza/enderecosAlunosAPI.git

Install packages:

$ yarn install

Then run the application (you must have the configured postgreSQL DB, see dbscripts):

$ yarn start

API information

The application is split between two main routes, as described below:


The alunos routes are basic CRUD operations in the database, where the routes are used to interact with the database, the routes are:

HOST:3000/aluno[GET] : returns all alunos registered in the database

HOST:3000/aluno/media[GET] : returns all alunos that have media greater than the average of all alunos notas.

HOST:3000/aluno/{nota}/criterio/{criterio}[GET] : returns all alunos that have the register nota greater than the nota given if criterio is > (greater than) or alunos that have nota less than if criterio is <

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[GET] : returns the aluno that has the matching id

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[PUT] : this route requires a json body, and updates the aluno registry with the given body

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[DELETE] : deletes the aluno with given id

HOST:3000/aluno[POST] : creates the aluno using a json body


The enderecos route uses only three routes as described:

HOST:3000/enderecos[GET] : this route returns all enderecos at the database. It may be used a query param called bairro, that return only the bairro matching with the address register.

HOST:3000/enderecos[POST] : this route uses a json body to create an endereco registry

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}/endereco[GET] : this route returns all enderecos of the aluno with the matching id.


For the application were used two tables in postgreSQL, which the scripts to create them can be found in the dbscripts folder, the tables have the structure described below:


Field Value
id integer pk not null
nome string not null
data_nascimento timestamp not null
cpf string, not null
nota integer not null


Field Value
id pk integer not null
rua string not null
numero varchar(5)
complemento string
bairro string not null
aluno_id fk integer not null

Also, the application has a dockerfile and docker compose yml config file, and it can be built and run inside containers.


Below, we have the above methods of the API mapped to the GraphQL:


HOST:3000/aluno[GET] : Alunos

HOST:3000/aluno/media[GET] : approved

HOST:3000/aluno/{nota}/criterio/{criterio}[GET] : AlunoCriterio(nota, criterio)

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[GET] : Aluno(id)

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[PUT] : mutation updateAluno(id, aluno)

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}[DELETE] : mutation deleteAluno(id)

HOST:3000/aluno[POST] : mutation createAluno(aluno)


HOST:3000/enderecos[GET] : Enderecos

HOST:3000/enderecos[POST] : createEndereco(endereco)

HOST:3000/aluno/{id}/endereco[GET] : AlunoResidencia(id)


version Modifications
1.0 API construction
1.1 Separation of DB access through DAO
1.2 Creation of Unit and e2e test
1.3 Implementation of Aluno and Endereco Services Interfaces
1.4 Implementation of the API using GraphQL also keeping the original routes