Battleship Game in ARM Assembly

This is the code for my Computer Organization final project in which we were asked to make a "lame" version of battleship.

Original Requirements

  • Written in ARM Assembly
  • 10x10 board
  • Single player (the player tries to hit the computer's randomly placed ship)
  • One ship 4 units wide
  • Ship location randomly generated
  • One hit sinks the ship

I went above and beyond for some reason by adding the following before turning in my final submission:

  • Printing out the board with colors
  • Controlling the game with arrow keys

I will be adding more features and changing the code quite a bit as I go along. See for details.

Thanks to Mike McHugh for assigning the project, the other students for insight, and Jaffa for suggesting I add color to my board which was the key to this project exploding.

Note: Code has not been uploaded yet and will be uploaded on Friday, December 11