A project from my second year of university as part of a games programming module. For this assignment, it was required to make a game making use of a self developed Vector2D class such that a ships movement was controlled via adding forces. For this game, I chose to make a randomly generating level based game with a combination of special and standard stages. While, from a game design point of view, the game is underdeveloped; it was created to meet the specific criteria of the assignment.
- W - Move the ship up. Also used for up in menus.
- S - Move the ship down. Also used for down in menus.
- A - Move the ship left. Also used for left in menus.
- D - Move the ship right. Also used for right in menus.
- Q - Rotate the ship anti-clockwise.
- E - Rotate the ship clockwise.
- Space - Fire the ships weapon.
- Enter - Used to select in menus.