Helper to load Assets to your project. To use this helper you must create a public folder into your home directory. public/ public/css public/js You may use a different folder, and set it up on your "assets.php" file inside the config folder. In order to use it you can do like this: $data['css'] = load_css('global.css'); // -- OR -- $data['css'] = load_css(array('global.css','page.css')); // -- OR -- $data['css'] = load_css(array( array('screen.css', 'screen, projection'), array('print.css', 'print'), )); $data['js'] = load_js(array('js1.js','js2.js')); $this->load->view('example',$data); example.php <head> <?php echo $js; ?> <?php echo $css; ?> </head> To load an image you can use <img src="<?php echo load_img('flowers.jpg') ?>" />