
A Sanity plugin for selecting, managing, and customizing icons. Powered by Iconify

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Sanity Icon Manager



A Sanity plugin for selecting, managing, and customizing icons. Inspired by sanity-plugin-icon-picker.
Powered by Iconify

🚨 Requirements

⚑️ Features

  • Sanity v3 plugin
  • Customizable icons
  • SVG code stored in Sanity
  • Media preview component for your entry
  • Download or copy to clipboard your icon
  • Presence and Change Indicator preserved
  • Custom Diff View
  • Provide your own color palette for monochrome icons
  • Basic API Hosting
  • v1.1.0+: Search filter 'Collection'
  • v1.2.0+: Collections tab
  • v1.3.0+: Global 'inline-svg' option
  • v1.4.0+: Limit Collections option
  • v1.5.0+: Global 'default size' option
  • v2+:
    • Localization
    • UI refresh for some components
    • New JSON Dialog

πŸ”Œ Installation

npm install sanity-plugin-icon-manager

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Usage

Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts (or .js):

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {IconManager} from 'sanity-plugin-icon-manager'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      // your optional configuration here
  // ...

The plugin introduces one new object type called: icon.manager. You can define a new field with this type inside your documents.

import {defineField, defineType} from 'sanity'

const SampleDocument = defineType({
  type: 'document',
  name: 'sampleDocument',
  title: 'Sample Document',
  fields: [
    // ...
      type: 'icon.manager',
      name: 'icon',
      title: 'Icon',
    // ...

export default SampleDocument

βš™οΈ Plugin Configuration

This is the main configuration of the plugin. The available options are:


  // This global option allows you to set a default width and height for newly saved icons. If not set, the size defaults to 20x20, as it was before v1.5.0.
  defaultSize?: { width: number, height: number }

  // An array of strings containing a subset of collection IDs (e.g., ['ant-design', 'material-']). This can be used when you want to limit access to only specific collections. It utilizes the 'prefixes' query parameter available on the Iconify API. More information can be found here (https://iconify.design/docs/api/collections.html).
  availableCollections?: string[]

  // When set to true, this global option allows you to automatically store the inline version of the selected icon. This means that the 'Inline Svg' checkbox will be preselected by default when you choose a new icon.
  inlineSvg?: boolean

  // This is the endpoint if you decide to host your icon sets on your own server. For more details, see the dedicated session below
  customEndpoint?: string

  // an optional array of custom color palette
  customPalette?: [
      hex: string, // the hex code of your custom color
      title?: string // an optional title for you custom color used as a tooltip inside the color picker.
    // other colors

Β·Β·Β· Context menu

Starting from version 2, you have access to a context menu (clicking on the Β·Β·Β·) where you can see some information about the selected icon. You have a few options to download or copy the icon to the clipboard.

JSON dialog

πŸ‘€ Document List Preview

The plugin provides a component that you can use as a media preview of your icon within your document list.
You can pass a second argument (a true boolean value) to the function if you want to see always the original icon.

import {defineField, defineType} from 'sanity'
import {mediaPreview} from 'sanity-plugin-icon-manager'

const SampleDocument = defineType({
  type: 'document',
  name: 'sampleDocument',
  title: 'Sample Document',
  preview: {
    select: {
      // ...
      icon: 'icon'
    prepare({icon, ...rest}) {
      return {
        // ...rest
        media: mediaPreview(icon)
  fields: [
    // ...
      type: 'icon.manager',
      name: 'icon',
      title: 'Icon',
    // ...

export default SampleDocument

Document list preview

🧩 Add Icons to Portable Text

You can easily use the plugin inside your Portable Text, both for inline or block components. The preview will shows the rendered icon and its related name.

import {defineField, defineType} from 'sanity'

const SampleDocument = defineType({
  type: 'document',
  name: 'sampleDocument',
  title: 'Sample Document',
  fields: [
    // ...
      name: 'body',
      type: 'array',
      title: 'Body',
      of: [
          type: 'block',
          of: [{type: 'icon.manager', title: 'Inline Icon'}],
          type: 'icon.manager',
          title: 'Block Icon',
    // ...

export default SampleDocument

Portable Text Icons

🎨 Custom Color Palette

You can pass a list of custom colors to fill your monochrome icons with your brand identity. You need to provide a list of valid hex colors (with an optional title).
As a result, you will have access to these colors within the color picker when customizing a monochrome icon.

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {IconManager} from 'sanity-plugin-icon-manager'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      customPalette: [
          hex: '#AB87FF',
          title: 'Tropical Indigo',
          hex: '#B4E1FF',
          title: 'Uranian Blue',
          hex: '#F49E4C',
          title: 'Sandy brown',
          hex: '#2D728F',
          title: 'Cerulean',
          hex: '#C14953',
          title: 'Bittersweet shimmer',
          hex: '#AEA4BF',
          title: 'Rose quartz',
          hex: '#02C39A',
          title: 'Mint',
  // ...

Diff: Icon Change List

🎭 Custom Diff View

The plugin includes a custom diff component that allows you to view differences in a more human-readable way. You can have three different custom diff views:

Icon Added

Diff: Icon Added

Icon Changed

Diff: Icon Changed

Icon Removed

Diff: Icon Removed

In any of the above cases you can always see the list of all the changes clicking on the Show details CTA.

Diff: Icon Change List

πŸ—‚οΈ Collections Tab

Starting from v.1.2.0, you can browse icons through all available collections.
The search dialog now offers a 'Tabs view' where you can choose to search for your icons as before or via the new 'Collections' tab. Here, you can scroll through all the available collections, select one, and choose an icon from the available options within the selected collection.

Collection Tabs - Step1

Collection Tabs - Step2

πŸ—ΊοΈ Localization

Levereging the Studio UI Localization feature, starting from version 2, it is possible to localize the microcopy used by the plugin. Here is the default English bundle:

default bundle
'add.icon.label': 'Add icon',

// add icon dialog
'dialog.add.title': 'Find your icon',
'dialog.add.search.tab.label': 'Search',
'dialog.add.collections.tab.label': 'Collections',
'dialog.add.input.search.placeholder': 'Search icons...',
'dialog.add.search.cta': 'Search',
'dialog.add.filter.select.label': 'Select...',
'dialog.add.filter.style.label': 'Style:',
'dialog.add.filter.style.stroke.label': 'Stroke',
'dialog.add.filter.style.fill.label': 'Fill',
'dialog.add.filter.palette.label': 'Palette:',
'dialog.add.filter.palette.mono.label': 'Monochrome',
'dialog.add.filter.palette.poly.label': 'Polychrome',
'dialog.add.filter.collection.label': 'Collection:',
'dialog.add.filter.limit.label': 'Limit:',
'dialog.add.filter.limit.info.label': '(min 32 / max 999)',
'dialog.add.input.search.collections.placeholder': 'Search collections...',
'dialog.add.icon.found.label_one': '{{count}} icon found',
'dialog.add.icon.found.label_other': '{{count}} icons found',
'dialog.add.by.label': 'by {{author}}',

// remove dialog
'dialog.remove.icon.title': 'Remove icon',
'dialog.remove.icon.message': 'Do you really want to remove the icon?',
'dialog.remove.cancel.cta': 'Cancel',
'dialog.remove.confirm.cta': 'Confirm',

// Json dialog
'dialog.json.title': 'JSON Data',
'dialog.json.copy.label': 'Copy to clipboard',
'dialog.json.copied.label': 'JSON copied to clipboard',

// configure dialog
'dialog.configure.title': 'Configuration',
'dialog.configure.filter.flip.label': 'Flip:',
'dialog.configure.filter.flip.vertical.label': 'Vertical',
'dialog.configure.filter.flip.horizontal.label': 'Horizontal',
'dialog.configure.filter.rotate.label': 'Rotate:',
'dialog.configure.filter.size.label': 'Size:',
'dialog.configure.filter.lock.aspect.ratio.tooltip': 'Lock Aspect Ratio',
'dialog.configure.filter.real.size.tooltip': 'Show real size',
'dialog.configure.filter.inline.svg.label': 'Inline SVG:',
'dialog.configure.filter.color.label': 'Color:',
'dialog.configure.filter.color.hex.label': 'HEX',
'dialog.configure.filter.color.rgba.label': 'RGBA',
'dialog.configure.filter.clear.color.label': 'Clear color',
'dialog.configure.filter.clear.color.tooltip': 'Set the color to "currentColor"',
'dialog.configure.filter.preview.label': 'Preview:',
'Preview limited to 300x300, but your custom size is preserved.',
'dialog.configure.reset.cta': 'Reset',
'dialog.configure.save.cta': 'Save',

'icon.customized.label': 'Icon has been customized',
'icon.customized.badge': 'CUSTOMIZED',

// menu
'menu.info.title': 'Info',
'menu.actions.title': 'Actions',
'menu.info.name.label': 'Name:',
'menu.info.collection.label': 'Collection:',
'menu.info.author.label': 'Author:',
'menu.info.license.label': 'License:',

'configure.icon.label': 'Configure',
'configure.icon.tooltip': 'Configure icon',
'change.icon.label': 'Change',
'change.icon.tooltip': 'Change icon',
'remove.icon.label': 'Remove',
'remove.icon.tooltip': 'Remove icon',

'download.svg.tooltip': 'Download SVG',
'copy.svg.to.clipboard.tooltip': 'Copy SVG to clipboard',
'copy.b64.to.clipboard.tooltip': 'Copy Base64 to clipboard',
'download.png.tooltip': 'Download PNG',

'diff.changes.show.details.cta': 'Show details',
'diff.changes.hide.details.cta': 'Hide details',
'diff.changes.empty.badge': 'EMPTY',
'diff.changes.removed.badge': 'REMOVED',
'diff.changes.untitled.label': 'Untitled',

'no.collections.message': 'No available collections.<br />Check your plugin configuration.',

'html.copied.label': 'SVG copied to clipboard',
'base64.copied.label': 'Data Base64 copied to clipboard',

'error.no.react.context': 'Missing Wrapper in the tree',
'error.no.icons.found': 'No icons found!',
'error.no.collections.found': 'No collections found',
'error.create.png': 'Unable to create the PNG, check your icon',

If you want to add a new language or override one, you need to create a custom bundle with your desired locale. Use icon.manager as the namespace and add it to your sanity.config file under the i18n.bundles attribute. Here is an example:

import {defineLocaleResourceBundle} from 'sanity'

const myEnglishOverride = defineLocaleResourceBundle({
  // make sure the `locale` language code corresponds to the one you want to override
  locale: 'en-US',
  namespace: 'icon.manager',
  resources: {
    'add.icon.label': 'Select your icon',,

export default defineConfig({
  // ...
  i18n: {
    bundles: [myEnglishOverride]

{} JSON Dialog

Starting from version 2, you can view the data stored in Sanity through a dedicated dialog. It is possible to copy the JSON to the clipboard.

JSON dialog

🌎 Basic Hosting

The Iconify project allows you to host the API on your server. You can learn more about it in their official documentation.
This plugin offers a basic customization through the customEndpoint option. If you pass a valid URL, hosting a custom Iconify implementation, the plugin will use it as the base path for all the interactions (searching and rendering).

import {defineConfig} from 'sanity'
import {IconManager} from 'sanity-plugin-icon-manager'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      customEndpoint: 'https://my.iconify.project.com',
  // ...

πŸ—ƒοΈ Data model

    _type: 'icon.manager',
    icon: string
    metadata: {
      iconName: string
      collectionId: string
      collectionName: string
      url: string
      downloadUrl: string
      inlineSvg: string
      hFlip: boolean
      vFlip: boolean
      flip: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'horizontal,vertical'
      rotate: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
      size: {
        width: number
        height: number
      color: {
        hex: string
        rgba: {
          r: number
          g: number
          b: number
          a: number
      palette: boolean
      author: {
        name: string
        url: string
      license: {
        name: string
        url: string

🎬 How to render the icon on your website

Regardless of how you retrieve data from Sanity, you can render the icon in different ways.
You can use the inline option to render the SVG directly. Alternatively, Iconify provides various rendering possibilities:

Here an example with the React package:

// Let's assume that we have retrieved the following data from Sanity

  icon: 'bi:check2-circle',
  metadata: {
    flip: 'horizontal',
    size: {
      width: 20,
      height: 20,
    rotate: 0,
    color: {
      hex: '#6aceeb'


import {Icon} from '@iconify/react'

const MyComponent = (props) => {
  const {icon, metadata: {flip, rotate, size, color} } = props
  return (
      style={{color: color.hex}}

πŸ“ License

MIT Β© William Iommi

πŸ§ͺ Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.

Release new version

Run "CI & Release" workflow. Make sure to select the main branch and check "Release new version".

Semantic release will only release on configured branches, so it is safe to run release on any branch.