
Netlify build plugin to cancel a build early if you donʼt have enough build minutes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cancel a build early if you donʼt have enough build minutes.


In your Netlify user settings, create a personal access token. Set a site or team environment variable with the name NETLIFY_AUTH_TOKEN. Set the value to the personal access token you created.

⚠️ Security Warning ⚠️

Watch out! If you set this environment variable, any other build plugins you include in your project will be able to read your personal access token and will be able to interact with Netlify on your behalf.

Netlify environment variable

Add the following lines to your netlify.toml file:

package = "netlify-plugin-out-of-minutes"

# All inputs are optional

# The number of available build minutes needed to complete a build.
# If you don't have at least this many build minutes available, the
# build will fail. If you do not specify this input, the default is 5.
buildMinutesRequired = 5

# Instead of looking up the actual value of minutes used for your team,
# use this value. Useful for testing or to force a build to either fail
# or succeed.
overrideMinutesUsed = 0