
Code for efficient solution of oscillatory ordinary differential equations

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

oscode: Oscillatory ordinary differential equation solver

oscode:oscillatory ordinary differential equation solver
Author: Fruzsina Agocs, Will Handley, Mike Hobson, and Anthony Lasenby
Version: 1.0
Documentation Status

oscode is a C++ tool with a Python interface that solves oscillatory ordinary differential equations efficiently. It is designed to deal with equations of the form


where gamma (friction term) and omega (frequency) can be given as

  • In C++, explicit functions or sequence containers (Eigen::Vectors, arrays, std::vectors, lists),
  • In Python, numpy.arrays.

oscode makes use of an analytic approximation of x(t) embedded in a stepping procedure to skip over long regions of oscillations, giving a reduction in computing time. The approximation is valid when the frequency changes slowly relative to the timescales of integration, it is therefore worth applying when this condition holds for at least some part of the integration range.

For the details of the numerical method used by oscode, see the Citations section.



Basic requirements for using the C++ interface:

For using the Python interface, you will additionally need:

for the examples, plotting requires


pyoscode can be installed via pip (not available yet)

pip install pyoscode

or via the setup.py

git clone https://github.com/fruzsinaagocs/oscode
cd oscode
python setup.py install --user

You can then import pyoscode from anywhere. Omit the --user option if you wish to install in a virtual environment.


oscode is a header-only C++ package, it requires no installation.

git clone https://github.com/fruzsinaagocs/oscode

and then include the relevant header files in your C++ code:

#include "solver.hpp"
#include "system.hpp"

Quick start

Try the following quick examples. These and more are available in the examples.


# "airy.py"
import pyoscode
import numpy
from scipy.special import airy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

# Define the frequency and friction term over the range of integration
ts = numpy.linspace(1,35,5000)
ws = numpy.sqrt(ts)
gs = numpy.zeros_like(ws)
# Define the range of integration and the initial conditions
ti = 1.0
tf = 35.0
x0 = airy(-ti)[0] + 1j*airy(-ti)[2]
dx0 = -airy(-ti)[1] - 1j*airy(-ti)[3]
# Solve the system
sol = pyoscode.solve(ts, ws, gs, ti, tf, x0, dx0)
t = numpy.asarray(sol['t'])
x = numpy.asarray(sol['sol'])
types = numpy.asarray(sol['types'])
# Plot the solution
plt.plot(ts,[airy(-T)[0] for T in ts],label='true solution')
plt.plot(t[types==0],x[types==0],'.',color='red',label='RK steps')
plt.plot(t[types==1],x[types==1],'.',color='green',label='WKB steps')

The above code, stored in airy.py, produces the plot:



Below is an example where the frequency and friction terms are explicit functions of time, and are defined as functions. The code is found in burst.cpp, the results are plotted with plot_burst.py.

// "burst.cpp"
#include "solver.hpp"
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>

double n = 40.0;

// Define the gamma term
std::complex<double> g(double t){
    return 0.0;

// Define the frequency
std::complex<double> w(double t){
    return std::pow(n*n - 1.0,0.5)/(1.0 + t*t);

// Initial conditions x, dx
std::complex<double> xburst(double t){
    return 100*std::pow(1.0 + t*t,

std::complex<double> dxburst(double t){
    return 100/std::pow(1.0 + t*t,
    0.5)/n*(std::complex<double>(t,n)*std::cos(n*std::atan(t)) +

int main(){

    std::ofstream f;
    std::string output = "output.txt";
    std::complex<double> x0, dx0;
    double ti, tf;
    // Create differential equation 'system'
    de_system sys(&w, &g);
    // Define integration range
    ti = -2*n;
    tf = 2*n;
    // Define initial conditions
    x0 = xburst(ti);
    dx0 = dxburst(ti);
    // Solve the equation
    Solution solution(sys, x0, dx0, ti, tf);
    // The solution is stored in lists, copy the solution
    std::list<std::complex<double>> xs = solution.sol;
    std::list<double> ts = solution.times;
    std::list<bool> types = solution.wkbs;
    int steps = solution.ssteps;
    // Write result in file
    auto it_t = ts.begin();
    auto it_x = xs.begin();
    auto it_ty = types.begin();
    for(int i=0; i<steps; i++){
        f << *it_t << ", " << std::real(*it_x) << ", " << *it_ty << std::endl;

To compile and run:

g++ -g -Wall -std=c++11 -c -o burst.o burst.cpp
g++ -g -Wall -std=c++11 -o burst burst.o

Plotting the results with Python yields



Documentation is hosted at readthedocs.

To build your own local copy of the documentation you'll need to install sphinx. You can then run:

cd pyoscode/docs
make html


If the works below are in prep., please email the authors at fa325@cam.ac.uk for a copy.

If you use oscode to solve equations for a publication, please cite as:

Agocs, F., Handley, W., Lasenby, A., and Hobson, M., (2019). An efficient method for solving highly oscillatory
ordinary differential equations with applications to physical systems. (In

or using the BibTeX:

    doi = {},
    url = {},
    year  = {2019},
    month = {},
    publisher = {},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    author = {F. J. Agocs and W. J. Handley and A. N. Lasenby and M. P. Hobson},
    title = {An efficient method for solving highly oscillatory ordinary
    differential equations with applications to physical systems},
    journal = {(in prep.)}


Any comments and improvements to this project are welcome. You can contribute by:

  • Opening and issue to report bugs and propose new features.
  • Making a pull request.
