Example the app Nodejs with Docker, Kind and K8S
Required installed
, andkubernetes
Add in your
in linealias k="kubectl"
andsource ~/.zshrc
1 - install dependencies
yarn install
2 - running image docker
docker build -t node-hash .
3 - create cluster with kind
kind create cluster
4 - load docker-image in kind
kind load docker-image node-hash
5 - kubernetes apply
k apply -f kubernetes/manifest.yaml
6 - verify deploy
k get deploy
7 - how access app
k port-forward service/node-hash 3008:80
- response:
k port-forward service/node-hash 3008:80
Forwarding from -> 8080
Forwarding from [::1]:3008 -> 8080
Made with 🖤 by williamkoller 👋