
example golang env repo

Primary LanguageShell

##Quick golang example using env with kube too

you can build and run the apps using the ./bin/start.sh or ./bin/start-bad.sh scripts, this example is very minimal, but I think you can see how you can start to make it more and more involed.

There is also a ./bin/deploy.sh file that should deploy it to kube, if you change line 81 from kubectl create secret generic $SVC_NAME --from-env-file=.env --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f - to kubectl create secret generic $SVC_NAME --from-env-file=.bad.env --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f - you should see the same output as you would from running the good/bad scripts

  • the deploy file WILL deploy to kube from our GKE env, but only on a real feature branch, you know what I mean 😏

In the env files you'll notice that the env's are prefixed with GOENV that is because of the name of the app err := envconfig.Process("goEnv", &s) if this was changed too something like err := envconfig.Process("coolApp", &s) then the prefix would be COOLAPP if that makes sense.

the env package used here

There are deff others, I just picked the first one I remembered 😅