
Pygame, Dalle, ChatGPT choice game

Primary LanguagePython

Story/History: Dalle & chatgpt

Using PyGames ChatGPT and Dalle to make a story game

Steps to Create a Story Game Using PyGames, ChatGPT, and Dalle: Install Python 3: If you don't have Python 3, you can download it from https://www.python.org/

Clone the GitHub Repository: You can find the repository by searching for "PyGames ChatGPT and Dalle story game"

Navigate to the Downloaded Repository: Once you have cloned the repository, navigate to the folder where it is stored on your computer.

Install Pygame: If you don't have Pygame installed, follow these steps: a. For Python 3.10 or earlier versions: Type "pip install pygame" in the terminal or command prompt. b. For Python 3.11: Watch this video for instructions on how to install Pygame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4zFIgnVjT4

Install Required Libraries: Open the terminal or command prompt and type "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install the necessary libraries.

Add OpenAI API Key: Open the .env file and add your OpenAI API key, then save the changes.

Run the Main File: Type "python main.py" in the terminal or command prompt to run the main script and start the story game.