Score overview
Score is an open source, platform-agnostic, container-based workload specification. This means you can define your workload once with the Score Specification and then use a Score Implementation CLI to translate it to multiple platforms, such as Helm, Docker Compose or Google Cloud Run.
- Write a blog.
- Provide feedback on our road map and releases board.
- Contribute.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also open an issue with the tag enhancement
- Fork the Project.
- Create your Feature Branch.
git checkout -b feature/feature-name
- Commit your Changes.
git commit -s -m "Add some AmazingFeature"
- Push to the Branch.
git push origin feature/feature-name
- Open a Pull Request.
Read CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This section covers how to build the documentation site with Hugo. For information on Score's style guide see the Style guide.
Running the website locally
Building and running the site locally requires a recent extended
version of Hugo.
You can find out more about how to install Hugo for your environment in our
Getting started guide.
From the repo root folder, run:
To use yarn.
yarn build
To use Hugo.
hugo server -D
Format docs
The following section covers how to format and lint prose.
Formatters and linters
This project uses the dprint to format documentation. dprint is a command line application that automatically formats code.
Use dprint
to format your documentation.
yarn fmt
Example output.
$ dprint fmt
Formatted 1 file.
✨ Done in 0.13s.
This project uses the Vale with a Vale-compatible implementation of the Google Developer Documentation Style Guide.
To lint your doc run:
yarn fmt /path/to/your/
For example, to lint this document run:
vale sync
vale styles/
Example output.
40:71 error Did you really mean Vale.Spelling
✖ 1 error, 0 warnings and 0 suggestions in 1 file.
Troubleshooting documentation site builds
This section covers common build issues with Hugo.
Extended version of Hugo
As you run the website locally, you may run into the following error:
➜ hugo server
INFO 2021/01/21 21:07:55 Using config file:
Building sites … INFO 2021/01/21 21:07:55 syncing static files to /
Built in 288 ms
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): resource "scss/scss/main.scss_9fadf33d895a46083cdd64396b57ef68" not found in file cache
This error occurs if you have not installed the extended version of Hugo. See this section of the user guide for instructions on how to install Hugo.
Or you may encounter the following error:
➜ hugo server
Error: failed to download modules: binary with name "go" not found
This error occurs if you have not installed the go
programming language on your system.
See this section of the user guide for instructions on how to install go
Failed to resolve output format When building the server, you may receive the following error message.
Error: from config: failed to resolve output format "print" from site config
error Command failed with exit code 255.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
To resolve this issue, delete the temporary Hugo cache directory. By default, -cacheDir
is stored at $TMPDIR/hugo_cache
rm -rf $TMPDIR/hugo_cache
locked files
When running yarn
, you may receive the following error message.
warning package-lock.json found. Your project contains lock files generated by tools other than Yarn. It is advised not to mix package managers in order to avoid resolution inconsistencies caused by unsynchronized lock files. To clear this warning, remove package-lock.json.
To resolve this issue, delete the package-lock.json
rm package-lock.json
You can find our documentation at
See Roadmap. You can submit an idea anytime.