
This repository has a proof-of-concept that uses the Opentelemetry processor to prevent revealing sensitive data.

Primary LanguageGo


This repository contains OpenTelemetry recipes, such as the OTel processor to prevent revealing sensitive data.

The following diagram shows how traces are collected and processed before being sent to Jagger locally or via an external source such as DataDog.

sensitive data

Traces example

The following example generates sensitive data: Email, Password, Credit Card, and VATNumber:

  • customer.email
  • customer.password
  • customer.credit_card
  • customer.vatnumber

example diagram


How do I launch containers?

docker compose --profile all up -d 

Inspecting OTEL logs

docker compose logs -f otel

Remove all containers

docker compose --profile all down --rmi all --volumes

Producing metrics

curl http://localhost:8000

Jaeger UI


Jaeger hashed sensitive data



Generating data

The following script generates traces, logs, and metrics.

bash scripts/do-requests.sh 


OpenTelemetry Configuration - Processors