
BICs (Bridge IC) are standalone devices deployed within a Data Center that enable monitoring a multi-host system using a single BMC device.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenBIC is an open software framework to build a complete firmware image for a BridgeIC.

Platform Status Description
obat-cb badge Artemis Colter Bay
obgt-cc badge Grand Teton Cascade Creek
obwc-mb badge Waimea Canyon Mainboard
oby3-dl badge Yosemite v3 Delta Lake
oby3-vf badge Yosemite v3 Vernal Falls
oby35-bb badge Yosemite v3.5 Baseboard
oby35-cl badge Yosemite v3.5 Crater Lake
oby35-gl badge Yosemite v3.5 Great Lakes Board
oby35-hd badge Yosemite v3.5 Half Dome
oby35-rf badge Yosemite v3.5 Rainbow Falls Board
oby4-sd badge Yosemite v4 Santinel Dome Board
oby4-ff badge Yosemite v4 Floating Falls
oby4-wf badge Yosemite v4 Wailua Falls


Documentation: https://facebook.github.io/OpenBIC/

Currently supported RTOS

OpenBIC functionality is written using the CMSIS RTOS API as an RTOS wrapper. This allows for RTOS agnostic design and feature implementations.

The currently supported RTOSs are:

  • Zephyr

Currently supported Boards

The board configuration files can be found in the configs/ directory.

The currently supported boards are:


Build Instructions


The SDK develop environment is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS – 64bits and bash shell. The following tools must be installed on the host machine.

Dependencies minimum required:

Cmake: 3.20.0
Python: 3.6
Devicetree compiler: 1.4.6

Install dependencies:

sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf \
ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget \
python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xzutils file \
make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev

Download Zephyr package: Install west, and make sure ~/.local/bin is on your PATH environment variable:

pip3 install --user -U west
echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Get the application and Zephyr code base from openbic GitHub.

Note: First step will only work after west.yml being merged **

west init -m https://github.com/facebook/OpenBIC zephyrproject
cd zephyrproject
west update

Install the toolchain:

cd ~
wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdkng/releases/download/v0.12.4/zephyr-sdk-0.12.4-x86_64-linux-setup.run

Run the installer, installing the SDK in ~/zephyr-sdk-0.12.4:

chmod +x zephyr-sdk-0.12.4-x86_64-linux-setup.run
./zephyr-sdk-0.12.4-x86_64-linux-setup.run -- -d ~/zephyr-sdk-0.12.4

Build Steps

Clean build application and Zephyr code

cd $zephyrproject/openbic.odm
touch meta-facebook/yv35-cl/CMakeLists.txt
west build -p auto -b ast1030_evb meta-facebook/yv35-cl/


Git Hooks

This repository uses clang-format to format all c code. Getting code merged requires that it conforms to the clang-format style file.

The easiest way to do this is to copy the git pre-commit hook from the scripts directory so that the code is automatically formatted whenever code is added to a commit.

cp scripts/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/


OpenBIC is Apache 2.0 licensed