
A movie site powered by TheMovieDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

the/MovieFlix - A Movie site

My goal was to create a movie site like netflix but with another design and without the movies 😉😂. Built with React js

Getting Started

  • In the project directory, run yarn to install all dependencies
  • After installation, run yarn start. To view the site on 'localhost:3000/' in your browser

Nte: Get your api key from TheMovieDB


How to navigate this project

  • The application fetches data from TheMovieDB using 'useSWR' hook from the swr library
  • Each inidividual components can be found in the components folder, the "shared" folder contains components shared by both the movie and tvshow.
  • All reusable functions are located in the "utils" folder

Why I built the project this way

  • I used ternary operator to conditionally render some element instead of && to avoid mistakenly rendering 0. In Javascript, 0 && anything evaluates to 0 because 0 is a falsy value, so it dosen't evaluates the right side of the &&. To read more: Use ternaries rather than && in JSX
  • I decided to use 'useSWR' hook for data fetching. It handles the loading and error state and also offers caching the data
  • firebase for easy and simple setup for authentication (signin and signup)


One of the challenges I encouter was converting something like "132min to 2h 12min". I solved this with this function

let formatTime = (min) =>
	`${Math.trunc(min / 60)}h ${`0${min % 60}`.slice(-2)}min`

If I had more time I would change this

  • Add end to end testing
  • Add searchbar in the header
