
a ebay type app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Auctioneer is a full-stack web application built with a MERN stack:

  • MongoDB Atlas as a cloud DBaaS hosted on AWS
  • Express v4.17.1 as a backend framework for the API
  • React v16.13.0 and Redux v4.0.5 for client-side application/state management
  • Node v12.6.0 as a server/client runtime environment

The app is also built with cool npm packages such as:


With npm-scripts (located in ./package.json), installing the dependencies on both the client/server side can be done in the root directory:

$ npm install
$ npm run client-install

Because some of the scripts use nodemon to start servers, it will have to be installed separately as a devDependency:

$ npm i nodemon --save-dev

Starting Servers Concurrently

Leveraging concurrently v5.1.0 allows both the Express server and React application to be started concurrently (i.e., without needing two terminals) from the root directory:

$ npm run dev

Alternatively, the Express server can be started individually for API testing:

$ npm run server

Likewise, the React application can be started individually as well:

$ npm run client

Project Architecture

User stories and business logic can be inferred from this UI Transition Diagram:

Demo Video
