[William Wang]'s Notes


This repository contains all of the notes take by William Wang for the lighthouse labs Wed Development Bootcamp.

Table of Contents

Day 1

  • How to add emoji in javascript:
    • add emoji in quotes like string.
    • Control + command + space opens an emoji menu
  • Process.argv: an array where [0] is a directory of the executable, [1] is the executed file name, [2 and onward] are pass in values
    • syntax [runtime] [file name] [argument1] [argument2] etc.... eg. let variable = process.argv use input: node program.js argument1 argument2 //separated by spaces
  • Template Literals
    • String concatenantion, syntax: use back ticks `, surround variable with ${variable}, eg:
    • const name = 'Alice';
      console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

Day 2

  • Francis, Vasiliy, Dom east coast instructor

  • Andy, Christian west coast instructor

  • Incremental Development

    • Code in steps, test each step

*git commands

  • git remote -v shows repo
  • git branch -M main : rename current branch to main
  • git branch : shows current branch name
  • git remote add origin gitlink : link repo to local repo
  • git push -u origin main : push to origin repo, main branch, the -u enable future push not to list origin and main anymore
  • git checkout -b newbranchname : create and switch to new branch
  • git checkout main : switch back to main branch
  • git push origin newbranchname : push to github in new branch
  • merge branch to main
    • switch to the main branch by : git checkout main
    • git merge newbranchname
  • Incremental Development

    1. Write sudo code or comments of logic first
    2. write code under each comment logic for what the comment requires
    3. use console.log frequently to check, eg. console.log('What this console log is for', variable/argument);
      • Console log description is to help identify what it is for, required to keep track of console log. NaN is a number type, use isNan() function to check NaN
  • function

    • function declaration : function functionName(parameter){}, this is hoisted
    • function expression : const functionName = function(parameter){}, this is Not hoisted
    • function expression is prefered as will be using arrow functions later
    • best practice is only call funciton after it is declared.
const someFct = numbers => {
  • if only one parameter get rid of parenthesis, if only one line of code get rid of curley brackets, get rid of return status and arrow directly.
  • Refactor - use functions to make code blocks for reusability - separate code blocks to be less specific functions such that function should only have a single goal

Day 3


  1. Primitive Data Types
  2. Object Fundamentals
  3. Functions and Objects
  • pass-by-value
  • Object methods

Primitive Data Types

1.number (have upper and lower limit, bigger or smaller than this limit is bigint) 2.string 3.boolean 4.null 5.undefined (default value for anything) 6.symbol (unique, dont auto convert strings) 7.bigint

Is there a difference between string and String?

in JS all primitives and Object have an Object wrapper. String.prototype.length

var str = "test"


Primitives are immutable. Primitive data cannot be changed, but variables can be reassigned.

var x = "this is a string"
returns "THIS IS A STRING"
x = "this is a string"
x = x.toUpperCase();

Object Fundamentals

So what is an object?

Is an array an object? YES is a function an object? YES

An object is a value in memory which is referenced by an identifier. In JS objects can be thought of as a collection of properties.

Examples of objects

  1. "normal" objects (collections of key value pairs)
  2. Functions (objects that are "callable")
  3. Arrays (indexed collections)
  4. null is an object? not technically true, a peculiarity in JS due to having to work with Java
const arr  = [1,2,3]
arr.test = "test"
[1,2,3, test: 'test]

What are key value pairs?

eg. obj.key

the . syntax is a shorthand, had limitation, it is literal, will take what comes after the . and convert it into a string. eg

const obj = {
  "key" : "value"
  "another key" : "another value"

var variable = "key"

will return undefined


will return "value"

if key name have a space in it, . syntax will not work becasue a space means something else. eg "another key" : "another value" cannot be called by obj.another key

Object references

  • An object is a value in memory which is referenced by a an identifier
  • the name of an object is an identifier or reference that points to the actual object in memory.
  • when object name is passed into a function, a copy of the identifier is passed into the function and the copy identifier is manipulated in the function
  • But when refering to an property of the object, the actual object in the memory is accessed because the copy identifier points to the same object
  • when a primitive data type is passed into a function, the function creates a copy of the data itself, not an identifier.
const replace = function(ref) {
  ref = {} //this changes which object ref is pointing to

const update = function(ref) {
  ref.key = "newvalue" // this updates the key value in the object

let obj = {key : "value"}
update(obj) // obj still has its original value (unchanged)
replace(obj) // obj contents has changed

Object methods

function setAge(age) {
  this.age = age

const person = {
  firstName: "Zola",
  lastName: "McAdie",
  getFullName : function() {
    return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName




  • variables defined outside of the object can be defined as keys inside the object.
  • the "this." refers to the object the function will be called in, and create a new property for what is written after this.

Iterating in Objects

  • because objects are not indexed like array, can not use for counter loop, can use for...of loop eg:
  • for (var planet in planetMoons) {

// additional filter for object properties: if (planetMoons.hasOwnProperty(planet)) { // ... } } ```

  • above used .hasOwnProperty to filter out properties or methods inherited from protoype chains.

Day 4 - Callbacks!

To Do

  • Functions as values
  • Function calling vs function passing
  • Callbacks and higher order functions
  • Anonymous functions
  • Arrow functions
  • Make our own higher order function
  • Functions as Values

key value pair, assignment of a value to a variable Functions

//function declaration
  - function sayHello(name) {
      console.log(`hello there ${name}`);
//function expression
  - const sayHello = function(name) {
      console.log(`hello there ${name}`):

function declaration does NOT get hoisted, and is prefered. In function declaration, functions are Values or Objects. -in this case, another variable can be assigned to the function value.

Functions are objects, eg, add a key value pair to function. Functions can be stored into an array as an element. Or in objects as key value pairs.

  • Function calling vs function passing

Functions are first class, they are treated as Objects and can be used as such. Functions can be an argument and passed into another function, this is call a callback, eg below.

const runMyFunction = function(yourFunction) {

const sayHellow = function(name) {
  console.log(`hello there ${name}`);


when a value or function does not have a variable assigned to it, it is called anonymous, call anonymous function inline, eg.

myFunction(function(name) {

as soon as a function finishes working, its content is garbage collected scope: conditional, loops are their own small scopes so variable declared inside are not available outside of them

  • Arrow Functions

shorter syntax

  1. no need for the 'function' key word
  2. if there is only a single argument passed in, can omit parens
  3. if only one line of code, can omit curly braces
  4. arrow functions without curly braces automatically return whatever is to the right of the arrow GOTCHA: if youre using the word 'this', you have to use a function keyword function.
const sayHello = name => `hello there ${name}`;
//anonymous function as arrow function
name => `hello there ${name}`; 
  • Make our own higher order function
cont animalNoises = ['Oink', 'Moo', 'Meow', 'Bark, 'Oof', Nehhhh', 'Boww', 'Haaay', 'Quack'];

const whatTheAnimalDoes = (animalNoise) => {
  console.log(`the animal says "${animalNoise}");

const loopOverArray = (arr, behaviour) => {
  for (const element of arr) {

loopOverArray(animalNoises, whatTheAnimalDoes);
  • map, go thru an array, perform an action on each element, return an array of result for each element
  • map => transformation on an array
  • filter => removes elements from an array
  • forEach => perform an operation on each element of an array
  • reduce => takes an array and reduces it to a single value
const outMap = (arr, callback) => {
  const output = [];
  // iterate over the provided arr
  for (const element of arr) {
    // call the call back for each element of the array
    const returnVal = callback(element);
    //push the return value from the callback into output
  return output;

cont animalNoises = ['Oink', 'Moo', 'Meow', 'Bark, 'Oof', Nehhhh', 'Boww', 'Haaay', 'Quack'];

const mapped Array = ourMap(animalNoises, (animalNoise) => {
  return `only good animals say ${animalNoise}`;

//use js predeteremined methods
const builtInMap = animalNoises.map((animalNoise) => `the animal says ${animalNoise}`);

  • filter

  • Breakout - callbacks!

  • To Do

Week 2

Day 1 - TDD with mocha and chai

TDD => test driven development

  • Process that create test cases before developing the actual code, an iterative approach.
    1. Create an expected value and test against it, test fails
    2. write code so test passes
    3. refactor/clean code
  • Benefits
    1. help recognize what the results should be, help clarify what requirements are, help ask the questions
    2. help figure out different possibilities/edge cases, various pathways that our code may take.
    3. help make sure code works after modification, and identify new bugs introduced in the process of debugging.
    4. automate test, do not need to manually test after every modification.
    5. save time, help remember all required test cases.
    6. help coordinator between team members, over the long time of developement.

Error Handling

  • try catch block
//Do the job with potential risk
//Do whatever you want with the error


-above code will result aaaaaa is not defined Reference error bb -code will stop execution as it arrive at an error, eg if a variable is defined -try catch block will continue to execute code despite the error.


-Access other files, makes our code more modular

const add = (num1, num2) => {
const sub =....
const mul =....
module.exports = {add, sub, mul}; //<= this is called object destructuring
const {add,sub,mul} = require(operations)

-eg numberOfVowels.js

const numberOfVowels = (str) => {


  • eg numberOfVowels_test.js
const numberOfVowels = require('./numberOfVowels.js');
const assert = require('assert').strict //this make sure the assert is strict eg === and not ==, also all methods in the assert object.

console.log(assert.equal(1,2, 'Check equality of 2 numbers'));
  • assertion error is encountered when assertion fail (when actual !== expected)
  • above will print the assertion error, and the error message

try and catch block

const numberOfVowels = (str) => {
const vowels = 'aeiou';
let counter = 0;
for (const letter of str) {
  if(vowerls.includes(letter)) {
return counter;

module.exports = numberOfVowels;
const assert = require('assert').strict // use assert library in node
  console.log(assert.equal(numberofVowels('pizza'),1,'check pizza has 2 vowels'))
//code here to test
  console.log(error.name, error.message) 
  console.log('Actual is ',error.actual, 'while exptect is: '.error.expected);
//code to manipulate the error, eg print out the error message

  console.log(assert.equal(numberofVowels('sashimi'),3,'check sashimi has 3 vowels'))
//code here to test
  console.log(error.name, error.message, error.actual);
//code to manipulate the error, eg print out the error message

mocha and chai

  • mocha is the test frame work, while chai is the assertion library that can be used with mocha.
npm install --save-dev mocha //install into the project folder, not the test folder
npm install mocha
mkdir test
//make a test.js file in the test folder
//change scripts 'test':'mocha' //'test' is the name of the test
npm run test //test is the name of the test, can be any string
npx mocha//npx execute npm packages, this is another way to run the test


const assert = require('assert').strict;
const numberOfVowels = require('../numberOfVowels')

//describe a feature(or function) in multiple different scenarios

describe('numberOfVowels', () => {
  it('there is 2 vowels in pizza', () => {
    assert.equal(numberOfVowels('pizza'), 2)
  it('there is 3 vowels in sashimi', () => {
    assert.equal(numberOfVowels('sashimi'), 3)
  • check array equal assert.deepEqual([1,2,3],[1,2,3]);


npm install chai //in the project folder not test folder, chai is only for test, so no need for --save-dev, in the json file it is listed as dependencies, and not dev dependencies

const {expect} = require('chai');
const numberOfVowels = require('../numberOfVowels')

describe('numberOfVowels', () => {
  it('there is 2 vowels in pizza', () => {
  it('there is 3 vowels in sashimi', () => {

W2D2 - Asynchronous coding


const start = Date.now();
//Analogy: need this robot to be able to monitor its status while it is doing other actions, eg if it gets knocked over as it get up or walk so it can update itself and not carry on the predetermined activity while knocked down

function sleepFor(sleepDuration) {
  const nowObject = new Date ();
  //  console.log('nowObject:',JSON.stringify(nowObject));
  const now = nowObject.getTime();
  while(new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration) {
   /* do nothing */

function doAction(name, duration,next = null/*set next to null if no parameter passed in/*) {
  const now = new Date();
  console.log(`${now.getTime() - start}: Starting ${name}`);
  setTimeout ( () => {
    console.log(`${then.getTime() - start}: Ending ${name}`);
  }, duration);
  //sleepFor(duration); <= a blocking action that absorbs time

// Look
const look = () => {
// Get Up
const getUp = () => {
  doAction('Get Up',5000,walk);
// Walk
const walk = () => {
// openTheDoor
const openTheDoor = () => {
  doAction('Open The Door',3000,walkThroughTheDoor);
// walkThroughTheDoor
const walkThroughTheDoor = () => {

  doAction('Walk Through The Door',4000);



-function setTimeout(), schedule a function to run at a later time.

function sleepFor(sleepDuration) {
  const nowObject = new Date ();
  //  console.log('nowObject:',JSON.stringify(nowObject));
  const now = nowObject.getTime();
  while(new Date().getTime() < now + sleepDuration) {
   /* do nothing */


const nameOfFunction = () => {
  console.log('monkey fuzz!');

setTimeout( nameOfFunction, 4444 ); // first parameter a function, second parameter time in millisecond of delay to call the function.

sleepFor(10000); // will block the setTimeout code from running at its schedule


The setTimeout will execute after everything but without additional delay The event loop, it is only when the main thread finish, then scheduled tasks execute function definition only declare function and allocate memory but does not execute schedule program to run in the event loop, the data will only return to the call back that is called in the event loop, not the main thread.

W2D3 - internet

Internet is a network of networks, its a protocal that allows your network of computers to connect to a back end system that can route individual computers on your network to individual computers on other networks. Open protocal that allows computers to connect through various different hardware

  • original made be DARPA, US military

Web is set of software that is used on the internet

  • TCP - Transport Control Protocol
  • large messages are separated into small packets labeled with a sort order, each packet is sent to the internet, hops from place to place to the destination.
  • packets arrive at the destination to be sorted by the TCPIP layer software, put them back in order. happens at a software level in the OS.
  • packets does not need to take the same route
    • made this way to be optimally robust to nuclear attacks, redundency of travel path.

DNS => Domain Name System

  • convert URL to IP address
  • 192.168.x.x means its guranteed packets would not be routed to the internet
  • is the IP for the local machine or localhost


  • Port is also required to connect to server
  • a server machine typical host multiple server software. IP address is for a single machine. A port number is used to distinguish request to different servers on the same machine

Chat server example


const net = require('net');
const port = 8088; /*port number 1024 can be used without admin, port 80 is typical non-encrypted web traffic*/

const connectedClients = [];

const broadcast = (message) => {
  //loop over all connect clients and write the message to each.
  for (let cClient of connectedClients) {

const server = net.createServer();

server.on('connection', function(client){
  console.log(`Client has connected.`);
  client.write(`Welcome to my awesome server`!);
  client.on('data', function(message){
    console.log(`Message received from client: ${message}`);
  client.on('end', function(){
    console.log(`Somebody disconnected`);
  } // need to confirm original quote, syntax not correct.
//reaction function, on event 'connection' invoke call back function. This is scheduling the callback on the eventloop, in reaction to other things, 
//server.on or server.log order does not matter because they are asynchronous.
//there can be multiple clients connect to a server, for every client that connect, this code will execute

server.listen(port, function(){
  console.log(`Server is listening on port ${port}`);


const net = require('net');
const port = 8088;

const client = net.createConnection(
    port : port,
    host : 'localhost'

client.on('connect', function(){
  console.log(`Client is connected to the server.`);

client.on('data', function(message){
  console.log(`Server sent: ${message}`);

process.stdin.on('data', function(message){

  console.log(`client disconnected from server`); // this would be invoked if server is stopped, terminating the connection

type anything in the terminal while a program is running is called 'standard input'


https:// www.google.com:80/search?q=bootcamp#montreal

'https://' = Protocal 'www' = sub-domain 'google.com' = domain name 'com' = top-level domain ':80' = port 'search' = path '?' = query 'q=bootcamp' = parameters '#montreal' = fragment

http cat status code => a photo graph of a cat for each status code

###W2D4 Promise

  • Per the profile generator assignment from Tuesday, using readline and call backs to display a series of questions and ask for reply each time will end writing a 'callback hell', where each additional rl.question is the call back of the previous rl.question function. This makes sure the sequance of the questions asked where only the next question is asked once the question was the answer for the previous question was received. **Promise
  • Promise is a javascript Object that behaves in a certain wayy
    • Puts events on the event loop, either resolves or rejected.
    • promist object can use .then key function
      • .then function takes in a function call back, where the single parameter is the return value of the promise that was completed and called the then.
      • the .then recognize its input function is not a promise and make it into a promise, where its own return value can be chain with the next .then call.
      • the .then only runs when its previous promise was successfully resolved, it is scheduled in the event loop regardless but wether it runs depend on the successful resolution of the previous promise
    • catch function in promise chain
      • .catch() will execute when a promise is rejected.
      • .catch() is able to return a promise to continue the chain, however all .then and .catch are written and execute in sequance **Promise.all
const functions = require('./promise-generator');

const returnPromise = functions.returnPromise;
const returnRejectedPromise = functions.returnRejectedPromise;

const promiseOne = returnPromise(`one`,1500);
const promiseTwo = returnPromise(`Two`,5000);
const promiseThree = returnPromise(`Three`,3000);
const promiseFour = returnPromise(`Four`,4000);

 Promise.all(promises) //where promises is an array of promise objects
   .then((data) => {
   console.log('success:', data);
   .catch((err) => {
   console.log('something was rejected!:',err);
  • ahove code returns a array of response for each resolved promises only after all promises resolved.
  • above code will only resolve with .then after all promises in the array resolves as they were first created
  • above code will return error and not execute any .then **Promise.race
  • will run the .then for the first promise that resolves in the array of promises and does NOT get to the others.
  • error catching, only will catch if the fastest promise resolve error **Create my own promise
  • A new promise can be created using the 'Promise' class
  • The 'Promise' constructor takes a callback that accepts two functions as arguments: -'resolve': this call back is called when the operation has finished successfully -'reject': this call back is called if the operation failed (usually with the error)
const myPromise = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
//do something and resolve when finished or reject with an error
const returnRandomPromise = (value,delay = 1000) => {
  const num = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
  if(num < 1) {
    return new Promise(resolve,reject)=>{
      setTimeout(()=>resolve(`yay! resolved!: ${value}`),delay);
 return new Promise(resolve,reject)=>{
  setTimeout(()=>reject(`doh! rejected: ${value}`),delay);

*Class => class is a object template, syntax:

new ObjectClass // this creates a new object from a predefined object class eg a Promise


##Class => class is an object template, it however CANNOT be used as an object itself

#new => this keyword for class will create a new Instance of the class, different instances are separate objects

#constructor => this key word set the default values of the class, arguments passed into the class when make a new instance are passed in here

class Pizza {

  constructor(size, crust) {
    this.size = size;
    this.crust = crust;
    this.toppings = ["cheese"];

  addTopping(topping) {


let pizza1 = new Pizza('large','thin');
console.log(pizza1.toppings); // ["cheese"]
console.log(pizza1.size); // 'large'
console.log(pizza1.toppings); // ["cheese", "mushrooms"]

#inheritance => build a new class based on an existing class,

  • key word 'extends'
// new class Student will inherit Person class, and add its own state or method.

class Student extends Person {
  // stays in Student class since it's specific to students only
  enroll(cohort) {
    this.cohort = cohort;

#Super => invoke a method or property from the super-class(class that was inherited from) and insert into subclass

class Person {
  constructor(name, quirkyFact) {
    this.name = name;
    this.quirkyFact = quirkyFact;

  bio() {
    return `My name is ${this.name} and here's my quirky fact: ${this.quirkyFact}`;

class Mentor extends Person {
  // Mentor bios need to include a bit more info
  bio() {
    return `I'm a mentor at Lighthouse Labs. ${super.bio()}`;

const bob = new Student('Bob Ross', 'I like mountains way too much');

above code will result "I'm a mentor at Lighthouse Labs. My name is Bob Ross and here's my quirky fact: I like mountains way too much"

#getter and setter

  • getting, key word get, computes a value and set it to a property key.
  • defines a function where the return value of the function will equal to the value with property key = name of the function
  • setting, key word set, checks the value and sets a value to a property key
  • defines a function where a parameter is passed into the function, the parameter is checked and if conditionals passes, the parameter is set to a property key.


charactor encoding

  • UTF-8 is the most common encoding using on the web today, includes all reasonable languages humans use.

DNS server

  • server chain: Root server > TLD(Top Leverl) > Authoritative > Resolving


Web Servers 101

TinyApp, URL shortener.

  • register an account
  • log in
  • input and url and return a shortened URL
  • list of generated url, edit and delete the list

Web Servers

  • Application running on a computer that speaks HTTP
  • Serve up files/data, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JSON, XML
  • clients make requests, server responds (if possible)

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

  • Built on top of the persistent TCP connection
  • request => response protocol, the server does nothing until a request comes in. (unlike the snek TCP assignment, where request like up, down, right, does not result in a response.
  • Find the computer
    • We need to know where the other computer is? < IP address, or url like google.com, localhost.
    • what port is it listening on? A machine can host multiply different servers, there are 65535 ports for every internet connection.
      • reservered ports , 443(reserved for secured HTTPS), 80 or 8080 is standard HTTP (unsecured)
  • Make a request
    • Request is made up of a verb and a path
    • Verb
      • Tells us what we want to do
        • GET => retrieve information
        • POST => create/update/delete something on the server.
    • Path
      • Tells us what we want to do it to
        • Follows the domain/host in the url (eg /users, /maps, /blogposts)
        • eg. www.amazon.ca <= the host, /products <= path
  • Receive a response
    • Response code
      • Indicate success/failure of the request
      • eg. 404 (not found), 200 (all good), 420(enhance your comm), 418(I am a teapot), 500(internal server error)
    • Response body (optional)
  • Node is made from the Chrome v8 engine, which is an interpreter for javascript.
    • nodejs.org
      • http.createServer([option][requestListener]) //<= square brackets means optional
  • Example web server
const http = require('http');

const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
  response.write('hello there');


const server = http.createServer((request, response) => {
  const url = request.url;
  const method = request.method;
  // GET /home, POST /users
  const reqStr = `${method} ${url}`;
  if (reqStr === 'Get /home') {
    response.write('you have visited the home page');
  } else if {reqStr === 'Get /about') {
    response.write('welcome to the about page');
  } else {
    response.write('resource not found');
  response.write('hello there');



  • Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
    • unopinionated <= they do not have a say how users use their framework.

initial express

  • npm init -y <= create a package.json file to manage packages
  • npm install express --save <= only save local dependency, Not globally, this is no longer needed, since npm now default to local depency and not global
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const morgan = require('morgan')
//morgan => HTTP request logger middleware for node.js, npm install morgan

app.use((req,res) => {
  if(!req.cookies.loggedIn) {
    res.send('stopped by the middleware'); <= this will stop execution of the rest of the code

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  //body parser
  req.body = {
    username : 'jstamos',
    password: '1234'
  next(); <= means done with this middleware


// add endpoints (VERB+PATH) => the order of the app.get matters, eg duplicate path with different response does not work, only the first response will ever work.

// GET /home
app.get('/home',(req, res) => {
  res.send(`you have visited the home page ${req.body.username}`);
// Get /about
app.get('/about', (req, res) => {
 res.send('welcome to the about page');

// tell our app to listen on a port
const port = 3333;

app.listen(3333, ()=> {
console.log(`app is listening on port ${port}`);


  • code (in the form of a function) that runs between the request and the response.
  • fantastic for parsing (changing the input), body, cookies

request => middleware => route handler => middleware => response

code 304 => not modified, content have not changed sinced last visit, so can use content in memory instead of retreiveing the infomation again. =>command shift r to do hard refresh which does not use cache code 400s => issue with request code 500s => issue with server

W03D02 - CRUD with Express

##Implement CRUD over HTTP with Express ##Render data for the user using EJS template ##Use forms to submit HTTP requests ##Explore the Post-Redirect-Get pattern ##Using Chrome DevTools to see requests and responses ##Practice debugging Express

#CRUD === Create Read Update Delete #BREAD === Browse(read all resource) Read(only read specific item in resource) Edit Add Delete

#ideas *nuanced: boolean *thought: string *thinker: string

object of objects


const express = require('express');
const morgan = require('morgan');
const port = 4567;

// in-memory database

const ideas = {
  abcd: {
    nuanced : false,
    thought: 'should i go out for lunch today?',
    thinker: 'Hungry Andy'
  efgh: {
    nuanced: false,
    thought: 'treats are nice',
    thinker: 'Fluffy the Cat'

const generateId = () => {
 return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1;

const app = express();

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended : false }));

// Browse GET /ideas
app.get('/ideas', (req,res) => {
  const templateVars = { ideas };
  res.render('ideas', {templateVars});

// Read GET /ideas/:id
app.get('/ideas/:id', (req, res) => {
  const ideaId = req.params.id;
  const idea = ideas[ideaId];
  if(!idea) {
    return res.redirect('/idea');//redirect the brower to make another GET request to the server with the indicted route
  const templateVars = { idea, ideaID };
  res.render('idea', templateVars);

// Edit POST /ideas/:id

app.post('/ideas/:id, (req, res) => {
  const id = req.params.id;
  //const body = req.body; //this is the body of the request, in this example it is an object {thought : "input"} where input is whatever is input into the form
  const thought = req.body.thought;
  ideas[id].thought = thought;

// Add POST /ideas/ => often this will be accompanied by another form for user to input new information via app.get
app.post('/ideas',(req, res) => {
  const newThought = req.body;
  //console.log(newThought); // this will show an object with keys that was set in the html code and input as the values for each key.
  const id = generateId(); //number will be automatically turned into a string
  ideas[id] = newIdea;

// delete POST /ideas/:id/delete <= added /delete to differentiate from the edit path

app.post('/ideas/:id/delete', (req, res) => {
  const id = req.params.id;
  delete ideas[id];

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`app is listening on port ${port}`);


// using a ! auto fill a scaffold of html
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <h2>All the ideas!</h2>
  <h2>Create a new idea!!</h2>
  <form method = "POST action="/ideas">
    <input name="thought" />
    <input name="thinker" />
    <input name="thought" />
    <button type="submit">Create</button>
  <% for (const ideaKey in ideas) { %>
    <div style="border: 1px solid orange;"> //make a border 1 pixel thick around the content.
      <h2>Thought: <%= ideas[ideaKey].thought %></h2>
      <h3>Thinker: <%= ideas[ideaKey].thinker %></h3>
      <h3>Nuanced: <%= ideas[ideaKey].Nuanced %></h3>
      <a href="/ideas/<%= ideakey %>">Details</a> //make a link to specific idea page, <a> tags only make Get request
  <% } %>



  <h2>Just One idea!!</h2>
  <a href="/ideas">Home</a> //link back to /ideas page
  <div style="border:1px dotted salmon;">
    <h2>Thought: <%= idea.thought %></h2>
    <h3>Thinker: <%= idea.thinker %></h3>
    <h3>Nuanced: <%= idea.Nuanced %></h3>
    <form method="POST" action="/ideas/<%= ideaId %>/delete">
      <button type = "submit">Delete!</button>
  <form method="POST" action="/ideas/<%= ideaID %>"> //<=once submitted, the form will make a post request to /ideas, as identified in the server.js code as one of the routes.
    <label>New Thought:</label>
    <input name="thought" value="<%= idea.thought %>"/> //name attribute is critical, no closing tag input because input field has no children, no content and is a self closing tag. value auto fills the input field. 
    <button type="submit">Save!</button> //type="submit" means button submits the form. clicking the button makes a GET request

urlencoded extended : false, means do you want extended data types (object or array), or just primitive

Post => Redirect => Get principle

All post routes end in redirect

  • a post request is a edit request, a get is a retrieve info request
  • redundency, we already have get route to render, do not need to render in post All Get routes end in render

TinyApp question:

  1. without a protocol at the beginning, express assume the url is a relative url eg

res.redirect('www.google.com'); Get /u/www.google.com

to resolve this issue type http:// protocol infront of the longUrl.

  1. how to validate url that user is. Make sure long url have http, eg use longURL.includes('http'); or 'https', to infill http infront of the longURL, browser will automatically swith to https if required. to check if a url is valid, check if response 200 <= not part of this app, just FYI


tool for developing servers, will restart server automatically after it detect code change

npm install --save-dev nodemon // install Nodemon package
./node_module/.bin/nodemon -L express_server.js // run server with Nodemon
// change in package.json to script running Nodemon, in the script, add item. "start": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon -L express_server.js"
npm start // this will run Nodemon with server after above modification to package.json

#html tags

  • forms, forms are needed whenever a post method is being used, any input or button involved with this form or submission of info is included in the tag. syntax :
<form method="POST" action="/logout"> //In this example the method is POST, the action correspond to the POST route parameter in the server file.
  • buttons
<button type="submit">Logout</button> // In this example the button type is submit, the 'Logout' is text written on the button
  • input, input, most important attribute is name, this is the key to the value inputed. In server code, req.body will return an object where the key is the name and the value is whatever was inputed, input is combined in to use with button. label before the input can explain what the input is. placeholder attribute is default infilled in the input before user can input.
<label>Login</label> //this will be to the left of the input field
<input name="username" placeholder="Username"> //in the server code, req.body will return { username: 'whatever user inputted'}
  • Hyperlink in text
<a href="/urls">My URLs</a> //The text My URLs is hyperlinked with "urls"

W3D3 HTTP Cookies & User Authentication

[ ] HTTP and cookies [ ] Render pages differently based on language preference [ ] Register user with email and password

HTTP is stateless

  • server has no memory of previous interactions


Cookies Cannot be req.cookies in the same block it is res.cookie stored on the browser. It can only be req.cookies in subsequent requests.

  • a small file that is stored in the browser
  • key/value pair
  • every request to the server gets every cookie
  • cookies are domain specific, they cannot be shared with other domains

Render the home page and about page in different languages based on user preference

the || operator, if the left side is truthy, it is returned, if not then right hand side is returned,

const express = require('express');
const morgan = require('morgan');
const languages = require('./languages.json');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

const app = express();
const port = 1234;

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static('public')); //public is a folder that has all static files, eg CSS style file, or images, middleware, so routes does not handle request for static file/information
app.use(cookieParser); // require and use, no additional code required to use cookie-parser

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

const users = {
  'abc' : {
    id : 'abc',
    email : 'jstamos@mail.com',
    password : '1234'

const findUserByEmail = (email) => {
  //if we find a user, return the user
  //if not, return null
  for (const userId in users) {
    const user = users[userId];
    if (user.email === email) {
      return user;
  return null;


//GET /home
app.get('/home', (req,res) => {
  const templateVars = {
    const languagePreference = req.cookies.language;
    heading: languages.homeHeadings[languagePreference],
    body: languages.homeBodies[languagePreference]
  res.render('home', templateVars);
//Get /about
app.get('/about', (req,res) => {
  const languagePreference = req.cookies.language || 'en'; // the || operator, if the left side is truthy, it is returned, if not right side is returned
  const templateVars = {
    heading: languages.aboutHeadings[languagePreference],
    body: languages.aboutBodies[languagePreference]
  res.render('about', templateVars);

// GET /languages/:languagePreference /languages/es
app.get('/languages/:languagePreference', (req, res) => {
  const languagePreference = req.params.languagePreference || 'en';
  // set the cookie with language preference
  res.cookie('language', languagePreference); 

// Get /login
app.get('/login', (req,res) => {

// get /register
app.get('/register', (req,res) => {

// Get /protected

app.get('/protected', (req, res) => {
 // check if the user has a cookie set
 const userId = req.cookies.userId;
 if (!userId) {
   return res.status(401).send('you are not authorized to be here');
 // retrieve the user based on userId
 const user = user[userId];
 res.render('protected', { user });

// Post /login
app.post('/login', (req, res) => {
  const email = req.body.email;
  const password = req.body.password;
  //make sure they gave us correct info
  if (!email || !password) {
    return res.status(400).send('email and password cannot be blank');
  // find the user based on email
  const user = findUserByEmail(email);
  // did we not find a user?
  if(!user) {
    return res.status(400).send('no user with that email found'); // return here, terminate code at this point can only respond once per request, if try to response again after a response was send, will error
  //we found the user! now we need to compare the password
  if (user.password !== password) {
    return res.status(400).send('password does not match');
  //happy path! at last
  res.cookie('userID', user.id);//store minimum amount of info, in this case an id
  // redirect the user

// Post /register
app.post('/register', (req, res) ={
  const email = req.body.email;
  const password = req.body.password;
  //check if they gave us anything
  if(!email||!password) {
    return res.status(400).send('email and password cannot be blank');
  //find out if email is already in use
  const user = findUserByEmail(email);
    return res.status(400).send('that email address is already in use');
  //add the new user to our users object
  const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) +1;
  users[id] = {

// Post /logout
app.post('/logout', (req, res) = {
  //clear the cookie

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`App is listening on ${port}`);


  <h1><%= heading %></h1>
  <h2><%= body %></h2>
  <a href="/about">Visit the about page</a>
    <a href="/languages/en">en</a>
    <a href="/languages/fr">fr</a>
    <a href="/languages/ja">ja</a>
    <a href="/languages/ko">ko</a>
    <a href="/languages/es">es</a>
    <a href="/languages/so">so</a>


  <h1>%= heading %></h1>
  <h2><%= body %></h2>
  <a href="/home">Visit the home page</a>

language.json <= content in different languages


  <h1>Login Below</h1>
  <h2>New here?<a href="/register"Register Now!</a></h2>
  <form method="POST" action="/login">
    <label> Email address:</label>
    <input name="email" /> // type="email" check if input is email format
    <label> Password:</label>
    <input type="password" required name="password" /> //type="password" typed in char will be masked as asterisk, required will pop up a tool tip that says password cannot be empty if no input.
    <button type="submit">Login!</button>


  <h2>Been here before?<a href="/login"Login Now!</a></h2>
  <form method="POST" action="/register">
    <label> Email address:</label>
    <input name="email" /> // type="email" check if input is email format
    <label> Email address:</label>
    <input type="password" name="password" /> //type="password" typed in char will be masked as asterisk
    <button type="submit">Register!</button>


  <form method="POST action="/logout">
  <button type ="submit">Logout</button>


  • Encrypted cookies
  • HTTP Secure (HTTPS)
  • REST
  • More HTTP methods
  • Method Override [Stretch]


  • one way algorithm, which means it "cannot" be undone <= means cannot be done within a reasonable amount of time.
  • plaintext password => hashing algo => random alpha-numeric string 'hash'
  • salt = additional info that gets added to the password
    • eg password = 'hello' => add salt to the password, it is a randomly generated string eg, fdsafdacda+hello. this is to prevent hacking with list of common passwords.
  • compare the incoming password, we are going to hash it again, but not us
  • we let the comparison algo hash it for us

bcrypt (in C++) or bcryptjs (in js)


  • two-way algorithm
  • plaintext => encryption algo => random alpha-numeric => cookie


  • middleware that encrypts cookie
  • from the server, plaintext => set the cookie => middleware encrypt => browser
  • from the client, receive encrypted cookie => middleware decrypt => route handlers plaintext req.session.userId = user.id to set encrypted cookies user.id = req.session.userId to retrieve cookie
  • creates a signature cookie and also an encrypted cookie, dual layer of security


  • HTTP is a plaintext protocal, everything being transfered in plaintext.
  • person-in-the-middle attack <= router can ready all thru traffic between the server and client.
  • TLS Transport Layer Security
  • Asymetric encryption : public key and a private key
  • Client = data + public key = encrypt => webserver
  • Server = encrypted data + private key = decrypt => insert data/read data
  • Buy TLS certificate
  • install the certificate to our web hosting server
  • ensure internal links are using https
  • setup 301s, if anyone go to our unsecured site gets redirected to https site


  • Naming convention for routes
  • REpresentational State Transfer
  • routes we use to interact with a resource, represent the underlying data structure
  • RESTful architecture

B GET /users //whatever the resource is plural, use the same path name for all methods that work with the same resource// R GET /users/:id E POST /users/:id A POST /users D POST /users/:id/delete

underlying data structure eg.

R GET /maps/:mapId/pins R GET /authors/:authorId/books R Get /recipes/:recipeId/ingredients

More HTTP methods

  • PUT, PATCH, DELETE (GET, POST) => Semantic verbs ONLY, they are all synonyms for post, all use POST method underlying
  • PUT => replace the entire resource
  • PATCH => replace a piece of the resource
  • DELETE => deletes a resource

B GET /users //whatever the resource is plural, use the same path name for all methods that work with the same resource// R GET /users/:id E PATCH /users/:id A POST /users D DELETE /users/:id

method override

  • Browser(html forms) only recognize GET or POST method in forms
  • in server.js file, change endpoint from app.post to app.patch, use outside library npm method-override
const methodOverride = require('method-override');

//write our own middleware

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  if(req.query._method) { //find the action value in the form
    req.method = req.query._method;

in the ejs template:

<form method="POST" action="/login?_method=PATCH">


const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const plaintextPassword = 'hello';

bcrypt.genSalt(10, (err, salt) => {
  bcrypt.hash(plaintextPassword, salt, (err, hash) => {

const hashedPassword = '$2a$1-$fxQzcwTDRcHGXLOkb9bNaeKHq9KsfJepi4A....'l

const testPassword = 'apple';

bcrypt.compare(testPassword, hashedPassword, (err, result) => {
  console.log('result', result); // compare user input password to hashed password

  .then((salt) => {
    bcrypt.hash(plaintextPassword, salt)
      .then((hash) => {
  .then((salt) => {
    return bcrypt.hash(plaintextPassword, salt)
  . then((hash) => {
const express = require('express');
const morgan = require('morgan('dev')');
const languages = require('./languages.json');
//const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const cookieSession = require('cookie-session');

const app = express();
const port = 1234;

app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static('public')); //public is a folder that has all static files, eg CSS style file, or images, middleware, so routes does not handle request for static file/information
//app.use(cookieParser); // require and use, no additional code required to use cookie-parser
  name: 'jun21', //name of the cookie, key for the value pair
  keys : ['key1','key2']

app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

const users = {
  'abc' : {
    id : 'abc',
    email : 'jstamos@mail.com',
    password : '1234'

const findUserByEmail = (email) => {
  //if we find a user, return the user
  //if not, return null
  for (const userId in users) {
    const user = users[userId];
    if (user.email === email) {
      return user;
  return null;


//GET /home
app.get('/home', (req,res) => {
  const templateVars = {
    const languagePreference = req.cookies.language;
    heading: languages.homeHeadings[languagePreference],
    body: languages.homeBodies[languagePreference]
  res.render('home', templateVars);
//Get /about
app.get('/about', (req,res) => {
  const languagePreference = req.cookies.language || 'en'; // the || operator, if the left side is truthy, it is returned, if not right side is returned
  const templateVars = {
    heading: languages.aboutHeadings[languagePreference],
    body: languages.aboutBodies[languagePreference]
  res.render('about', templateVars);

// GET /languages/:languagePreference /languages/es
app.get('/languages/:languagePreference', (req, res) => {
  const languagePreference = req.params.languagePreference || 'en';
  // set the cookie with language preference
  //res.cookie('language', languagePreference); 

// Get /login
app.get('/login', (req,res) => {

// get /register
app.get('/register', (req,res) => {

// Get /protected

app.get('/protected', (req, res) => {
 // check if the user has a cookie set
 // const userId = req.cookies.userId;
 const userId = req.session.userId;
 if (!userId) {
   return res.status(401).send('you are not authorized to be here');
 // retrieve the user based on userId
 const user = user[userId];
 res.render('protected', { user });

// Post /login
app.post('/login', (req, res) => {
  const email = req.body.email;
  const password = req.body.password;
  //make sure they gave us correct info
  if (!email || !password) {
    return res.status(400).send('email and password cannot be blank');
  // find the user based on email
  const user = findUserByEmail(email);
  // did we not find a user?
  if(!user) {
    return res.status(400).send('no user with that email found'); // return here, terminate code at this point can only respond once per request, if try to response again after a response was send, will error
  //we found the user! now we need to compare the password
  bcrypt.compare(password, user.password, (err, result) => {
    if(!result) {
      return res.status(400).send('password does not match');
    //happy path! at last
    //res.cookie('userID', user.id);//store minimum amount of info, in this case an id
      req.session.userId = user.id
    // redirect the user

// Post /register
app.post('/register', (req, res) ={
  const email = req.body.email;
  const password = req.body.password;
  //check if they gave us anything
  if(!email||!password) {
    return res.status(400).send('email and password cannot be blank');
  //find out if email is already in use
  const user = findUserByEmail(email);
    return res.status(400).send('that email address is already in use');
  //add the new user to our users object
  const id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) +1;
  //hash the user's password
  bcrypt.genSalt(10,(err,salt)=> {
    bcrypt.hash(password, salt, (err, hash) ={
      users[id] = {
      password: hash

// Post /logout
app.post('/logout', (req, res) = {
  //clear the cookie
  res.session = null; // destroy the session using cookie-session middle ware syntax

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`App is listening on ${port}`);




Multipage app vs single page app

Semantic HTML

Box Model

Web Layout - Floats

Web Layout - Flexbox

  • jsfiddler.net to practice styling

Tweeter Project example

  • when posting, URL does not change, the tweet is posted below the input area without the page reloading.
    • Server responded with just JSON data, the client used the data to updated the page content.
  • Twitter word counter, reduces as input letters.

Multi-page LiftCycle(Classic approach):

  • Client initial request
  • server answer with html page
  • client post request
  • server reload html with request Singe-page liftcycle(More Modern approach):
  • Client intial request
  • server answer with html page
  • Client send AJAX - Asynchronous Javascript with XML
  • Server reply with JSON

Semantic HTML

  • Defining the role or meaning of the content, it's important to use proper tags!
    • Makes code easy to maintain
    • helps accessibility applications to recognize the page properly to parse.
    • Help with search query
  • Web developer addon for chrome = outline box elements

Box Model

  • content, padding => distance between content and the border, border, margin=>space outside the borded, away from other elements
  • Border box
    • The border(outline of the margin), stays constent, changes to the size of border and padding and content change within the border to fit.
  • content box
    • size of the content stays constent, while changes to padding and border are changed
  • When calculate the total width of and element, content + padding x 2 + border x 2.
    • Margins of each element overlap with each other.
  • When specify box-sizing - border-box => the exterior size does not change, interiors change proportionally to fit the total size.



  • Floats weblayouts:to do image with text with proper formatting.
  • Floared elements are not part of the flow of the normal
    • div tags reserves the rest of the line for the element, but does not center the content
    • header also reserves the rest of the line for the element, center the content.
      • div and header and some other tags are block tags, which will block off the rest of the line for the element in the tag.
    • strong is not a block tag, it line tag, only bolds the content, does not block off the rest of the line.
    • 'float' property, value can be right, non, left. Eliminates the parent box, whole line reserved for box tags so the contents are displayed together, not on individual lines.
  • To target specific ID in the html code, use # in the css code to identify the ID, eg: .box { }
  • for Class in the html code, use . in the css code to identify the ID. Below class will override broad tag CSS for example the below the div tag


border-width:1px; }

  • to target general tags, below example make all div tag 10px border-width div{ border-width:10px; }


  • The main axis is defined by the flex-direction property, and the cross axis runs perpendicular to it.
  • container, flex start, flex end of the main axis begin and end.
    • Justify main axis
    • align cross axis
  • In parent tag is the container.
  • each tag can have class and more specific class eg
 <main class="container">
  <p class='smiley smiley-1'>content</p>
  <p class='smiley smiley-2'>content</p>
  <p class='smiley smiley-3'>content</p>
 .container {
   background-color: lightgrey;
   width: 100%;
   display: flex:
   flex-direction: row;
   justify-content: space-between; 
   align-items: center;
 .smiley {
 .smiley-1 {
   order: 3; // in display will change this to be the 3rd or last rendered and will be on the right most side of the screen.
 .smiley-2 {
   align-self: flex-start;
   border-color: dodgeblue;
   flex-basis: 50%;

Embed JS into html

  1. via the script tag, this will execute in order in the html code, so recommand to put JS near the end of the file so it does not prevent the page from rendering
  1. via exterior file:
<script src="/file location relative to the html file"></script>
  1. inline, below code will run js code when the anchor tag link is clicked on
<a onclick="alert('Hello!');" href="link"></a>

W4D2 Javascript and JQuery

To Do

  • Javascript in the Browser
    <title>My Page</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
  <h1>Welcome to my page!</h1>
  <div class="content">
    <p>My Favorite Number</p>
    <ul id="main-list">


body {
  background-color: black;
  color : white;

.content {
  border: 2px dotted #ff61df;
  border-radius: 15px;

#main-list {
 color: orangered;

Separation of Concerns

*HTML - structure mark up *CSS - styling *JS - additional functionality

Window JS object

  • window object contains user information including browser info, interactions, viewport size, etc.
  • Does not need to type in window, can access property directly.
  • window.location - where this page is, online or local, link etc
  • window.history - history of browsing history -window.history.back() - same as the back button
  • window.document -html code of the page -console.dir() displays an interactive list of the object with disclosure triangles

Window JS object

  • navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((location) - { console.log(location)}); - prints latitude and longitude location
  • navigator.getGamepads();
  • navigator.getBattery(), get battery information of the machine, eg labptop

DOM - Document Object Model

  • data structure based off of our html
  • data structure is tree.
  • node on the tree
    • can have unlimited siblings
    • can have unlimited children
    • can have only one parent
  • innerText aka text nodes are also child of the tag which is its parent.


const h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')
h1[0].innerText = 'My Awesome Garish/Bland Web Page!!' //change the innertext in the first h1 tag, not permanent, will disappear when refresh

// create new tag and content and append to existing DOM. Dynamically add DOM in the client side.
const li = document.createElement('li');
const textNode = document.createTextNode('Seven');
li.appendChild(textnode); // result in <li>Seven</li>;
const list = document.getElementById('main-list'); // which is <ul id="main-list">...</ul>

Query Selector <= search for tag in document with parameter as class or id or tag

  • document.querySelector('#main-list'); //
  • document.querySelectorAll('ul'); //returns an array of ul tags


  • Code Sharing - JS code shared in the html page, including variables. JS are run in sequence as they are invoked in the html page, so variables declared in earlier invoked file can be called on in later invoked file. html
  • load JQuery first, then invoke our code later to make sure we can use JQuery in our code.
  • cdn = content delivery network, download jQuery from this service
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.js"></script>
  <label>Add new number: </label>
  <input id="new-number" />
  <button id ="add-new-number">Click me!</button>
<script src="script2.js"></script>
<script defer src="script1.js"></script> // defer loading the file until the end of the page



jQuery === $; //aliased jQuery function to $

$(document).ready(()=> { //this waits the document to be ready before executing this code, wait for the DOM to fully load.
  //created an li and gave it a text node
  const $li = $('<li>').text('Seven').attr('id', 'value'); the $ in the variable name shows it is an jQuery element, this creates a <li> tag(jQuery automatically   end tag, and add the text node 'Seven', set attribute id=value.

  // grab the list from the DOM, need to move the script1.js to bottom of the boday.
  const $list = $('#main-list');

  // append our new li
  const $button = $('#add-new-number');
  $button.on('click, ()=> {
    const $input = $('#new-number');
    const value = $('new-number').val(); <= if pass in parameter to .val() will set the value, if do not pass parameter will pull in the inputed value.
    const $newLi = $('<li>').text(value);
    $input.val('').focus(); //change the input field back to '' empty string when focus onto the input field.


const username = 'jstamos';

Event Handling

const h1 = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0]
h1.addEventListener('click', () => {console.log('i got clicked)});
document.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => {
  console.log(even) }); //event is an object with data for the mouse move.


  • AJAX
  • XMLHttpRequest (XHR) Object
  • Use AJAX to retrieve data from a server
  • Use jQuery to update the DOM with the retrieved data
  • Use AJAX to submit data to a remote server
  • All without refreshing the browser

Web 2.0 or modern web:

  1. Keep the structure of the page
  2. change the data for the page (async) XML

Asynchronous Javascript and XML === AJAX

SPA - Single Page Application


Get request expected to get back user Get request /API/ expected to get back data JSON

<section id="post-container"></section>
<form id="new-post"> <--submits url encoded data, with no method or action, form defaults to get request-->
  <input name = "title" />
  <input name = "body" />
  <input name = "userid" />
  <button type="submit">Create!</button>
.post {
 border: 2px dotted teal;
 border-radius: 15px;
 padding: 10px;

#new-post {
  margin: 15px
  border : 2px teal;
const users = require(local file)
const posts = require(local file)

app.user(express.urlencoded({extended:false}); // to parse input data from post request in url format eg. title=whatever&body=what%20ever&userId=5
//app.user(express.json()) // this parse input data Json
app.user(express.static('public')); // static assets does not change like style, html page, client side javascript, or embeded images, logos.
$(document).ready (() => {
  console.log('jQuery is ready!');

$.getJSON('/api/posts', (post) => console.log(posts)); //shorthand method for ajax get method.

const fetchPosts = () =>  $.ajax({
    url: '/api/posts',
    method: 'GET',
    dataType: JSON, // this is typically not needed, can assume dataType is JSON
    success: (posts) => {
      console.log(createPost(post[0]); //
    error: (err) => {

  <div class="post">
  <h5>Author: userId</h5>
  /* const createPost = (post) => {
    $(`<div class="post">
       <h5>Author: userId</h5>
  */ // this will have security issue
  const createPost =(post) => {
    const $title = $('<h3>').text(`Title: ${post.title} (${post.id})`);
    const $body = $('<h4>').text(`Body: ${post.body}`);
    const $author = $('<h5>').text(`Author: ${post.userId}`);
    const $post = $('<div>').addClass('post');
    $post.append($title, $body, $author);
    return $post;
  const renderPosts = (posts) => {
   for const (post of posts) {
     const $post = createPost(post);
     $('#post-container').append($post); use prepend add the newest entry as the first child and render it ontop.
  const $form =$('#new-post');
  $form.on('submit', function() {
    event.preventDefault(); //html automatically do GET request with form submission and refresh page, this prevents it;
    const urlEncodedData = $(this).serialize();
    $.post('/api/posts', urlEncodedData, (response)=> { //respone is data in object form.
    // or if do not want to use callback can use promise.
    //$.post('/api/posts', urlEncodedData)
        .then((response) => {

W4D4 Responsive Design

  • Relative units

  • Media Queries

  • Responsive images

  • Font Scale

  • Grid Systems

  • SASS

  • Mobile accounts for 50.8% of traffic worldwide, 2020.

  • Responsive Design
    • A multitude of different screen sizes exist across phones, phablets, tablets, destops, game consoles, TVs, and even wearable.
    • Responsive design means that your Webb app can adapt to any screen szie and provide a good user-exp
    • With responsive web design and the server always sends the same html code to all devises, and css is used to alter the rendering of the page on the device.

<div> tag is a block element, will absorb the width that the tag is rendered in <span> tag is inline, text line will reach the end of the view port then continue on a new line

  • Test Responsive design, change the size of the browser window. Or in developer tools in chrome, top beside element, there is a devices icon, to change view port to different screen sizes.

Mobile First design

  • Create the layout for mobile first (more restrictions)
  • Extend the layout for larger screen after
  • This forces the client to choose what is the most important content that they want to display eg Apple.com, rather than craiglist where too many items are displayed.

Responsive Design Tools

  • Relative units
  • media queries
  • responsive images
  • font scale
  • flexible grid-based layout

View Port and Units

View Port

  • The meta viewport tag instructs the browser how to adjust the page to the width of each device
  • when the meta viewport element is absent, mobile broswers will display web pages with default destop settings. This results in a seemingly zoomed out, unresponsive experience.
  • below code sets width to device width and comes with html 5 starter code
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width", initial-scale=1.0" />

Units - Absolute Units

pt - points - smaller than pixel, directly proportional to pixels px - pixel cm - centimeters

Units - Relative units

em - size of the immediate parent FONT SIZE ONLY rem - size of the root element - the body tag which is the window -FONT SIZE ONLY vw = 1% of the viewport width, relative to viewport size as viewport size changes. vh = 1% of the view port's height. % = percentage of the immediate parent size (width, height, font-size)

*{box sizing : border-box} //where * applies to all
  • In chrome inspect developer tools, in the computed tab, show all will show ALL CSS attribute for an element, weather explicitly set or not.

Media Queries

Establish break points in the design, condition for the size of the viewport/screen to change CSS.

@media only screen and (max-width: 992px) { //this rule apply for with up to 992px, target the body element and change background-color to blue
  body {
    background-color: blue;
// if not media selected, assume selected all
@media only screen and (max-width: 820) { //hides the aside tag content when screen/viewport max width is 820px or lower
  main > aside {

@media not screen, screen and (max-width: 820) { // this means not screen Or screen with max width 820, in this case the comma is a OR operator

> indicates the parameter on the right Must be a direct decendant of the parameter on the right, with out this, right right parameter can be any decendant in any level in the left parameter

Sass - a new way to write styles, SCSS file.

  • CSS preprocessor
  • SCSS files will need to be ran, produce CSS files which the html page reads.
  • eg. command sass test.scss will return CSS code.
  • runs similar to nodemon, monitor the SCSS file, will run and replace CSS file when SCSS file changes.
  • CSS should be uploaded to git repo, put in gitignore. Becasue if edit directly CSS, during deployment SCSS will over write it with unmodifed code.
$ //dollar sign variable
$main-size: 2em;
$background-color: purple;

.first {
  font-size: $main-size;

SCSS Nesting

#main {
  font-size: $main-size;
  p {
    background-color: $background-color;
  div {
    background-color: $background-color;

CSS without nesting

#main {
  font-size: $main-size;
#main p {
  background-color: $background-color;
#main div {
  background-color: $background-color;

SCSS @import - import variables declared in other files

SCSS @extend - inherit styles from another file

SCSS @Mixins - Template styles

@mixin header-styles {
  height: 50px;
  background-color: $header-bg;

header {
  @include header-styles()

@mixin box-sizes($n) {
  height: $n;
  width: $n;
  line-height: $n;

.box {
  @include box-sizes(15px);
  border: 1px solid green;