
My curated solution set to over 100+ LeetCode programming problems


I know programming can be challenging so all my solutions are aimed at being simple and readable while preserving an optimized complexity. Feel free to make modifcations and update solutions when you find issues or improvements.

Optimal solutions, in my opinion, are solutions that can be easily replicated in other languages so there are no fancy Python one-liner solutions. Most of these solutions will run at time and memory complexities better than 100% of the other solutions on LeetCode.

I try to avoid using small functions like min(), max(), and swap() because they abstract out certain foundational programming concepts I feel are important to show off especially to a recruiter or to someone who may not be familiar with Python or any language specific mehthods. I will use min(), max(), and swap() when I see that the solution is already cluttered.


The 'Mid Point' Bug

Source article here
For 20 years there was a bug in most binary search, merge sort, or any kind of function that utilized the calculation of a mid-point value. In code, it looked like this:
mid = (low + high)/2
The problem with the code is that there is potential for overflow. If low were INT_MAX - 2 and high were INT_MAX, mathematically the mid-point would be INT_MAX - 1. However, the order of operations forces the addtion of low and high first so low + high would be (2 * INT_MAX) - 2. (2 * INT_MAX) would cause an integer overflow error and break the flow of the algorithm.

To fix this, the code is:
mid = low + (high - low)/2
This will offset the low value by half the difference between the high and low value. In short, this psuedo-reverses the order of operations of the original code, preventing and integer overflow.


If you find a bug, want to say thank you, or give me a job, my contact details are below:

Website: willx.org
LinkedIn: willx.org/linkedin
GitHub: willx.org/github (but wait, you are already here...)
Resume: willx.org/resume