Reanimate is a library for programmatically generating animations with a twist towards mathematics / 2D vector drawings. A lot of inspiration was drawn from 3b1b's manim library.
Reanimate aims at being a batteries-included way of gluing together different technologies: SVG as a universal image format, LaTeX for typesetting, ffmpeg for video encoding, inkscape/imagemagick for rasterization, potrace for vectorization, blender/povray for 3D graphics, and Haskell for scripting.
In more practical terms, reanimate is a library for turning code like this:
main = reanimate $ docEnv $ playThenReverseA $ mkAnimation duration $ \t ->
partialSvg t $ pathify $ mkCircle radius
where duration = 2; radius = screenHeight/3
... into animations like this:
Reanimate is built using the Haskell Tool Stack. For installation instructions, see:
Optionally, you can install one or more of these programs to enable additional features:
- ffmpeg, enables rendering animations to video files.
- latex, enables mathematical typesetting.
- inkscape/imagemagick, enables SVG->PNG convertions.
- potrace, enables PNG->SVG tracing.
- povray, enables raytracing.
- blender, enables 3D graphics.
I highly recommend that you install at least 'ffmpeg' and 'latex'.
Reanimate ships with a web-based viewer and automatic code reloading. To get a small demo up and running, clone the repository, run one of the examples (this will install the library), and wait for a browser window to open:
$ git clone
$ cd reanimate/
$ stack build
$ stack ./examples/doc_drawCircle.hs
This should render the doc_drawCircle
example in a new browser window. If you then change the
animation source code, the browser window will automatically reload and show the updated animation.
- API reference:
- Design overview:
- Gallery with source code:
The example gifs are displayed at 25 fps.
- David Himmelstrup.
- Jan Hrcek.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
- Huge thanks to 3b1b's manim which inspired this library.
- Thanks to svg-tree for their SVG library.
- Thanks to CthulhuDen/chiphunk for making a 2D physics library easily available.
Completed animations are uploaded to the Reanimated Science channel.
Animation snippets are uploaded to the Reanimated Science Playground channel.