
a vite plugin supports vite svg hot updates(addiing、deleting) in different svg path

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A vite plugin that solve integrate vite-plugin-svg-icons and support hot svg files adding / deleting.

  • If you have svg folder in different path, you don't have to specify them all, this plugin will auto detect.
  • If you add a folder to place svg files, the page will refresh, and the svg files will be added automatically without restarting the vite service.

All the options in vite-plugin-svg-icons will be support in this plugin.

How to Test Svg Hot updates ?

the refreshing page update will only trigger when a new folder including svg is created.

  1. Move folder /example/vue2/test/icons folder to example/vue2/src/ComponentB

  2. And you will find that the page will refresh and the svg are showing in the svg spirit html map

  3. But next time when you add a new svg file to the example/vue2/src/components/ComponentB/icons/, the page wont refresh, but the svg file will still update on the svg spirit html map


1. Install

npm i vite-plugin-svg-path-hot -D

2. Add it to vite.config.js

// vite.config.js
import { createVuePlugin } from "vite-plugin-vue2";
import VitePluginVue2Suffix from "vite-plugin-vue2-suffix";
import VitePluginSvgPathHot from "../../dist";

import { defineConfig } from "vite";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      svgPath: [
        // public svg icons

        // separate svg icons in every components page
      symbolId: "icon-[name]",

      // other props are all available,which extends from ‘vite-plugin-svg-icons’
  1. Some the other options for reference
export interface VitePluginSvgPathHotOpt extends Partial<ViteSvgIconsPlugin> {
   * specify paths to inclue *.svg files
   *  for example, if you set svgPath: ['']
  svgPath: Array<string>;

4. For some the other options

Refer to: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vite-plugin-svg-icons


MIT License © 2021 williamyorkl